6/23/2022 Don't Pull The Trigger Out Of Anger
I blew it BIG time! NO...HUGE!!! I have no idea why but I've been in a foul fucking mood for the past two days. The type of anger that I thought I had matured past. (I joke about having to take medication for the rage but I don't really) One thing onto another, minute after […]
Tell Yourself the Truth! 6/22/2022
that you've wasted too much time as it is and that you STILL have other dreams and aspirations that will take effort and guts to achieve so you don't die a fucking pussy!!! Today's Training: Cycle: 27 mins Concept II Row: 2500 meters for time Dynamic Bench: 10x3 DB Fly: 4x15 DB Floor Press: 4x20 […]
6/21/2022 Be More Than Motivated
“Be more than motivated, be more than driven, become literally obsessed to the point where people think you’re fucking nuts." Today's Training: Cycle: 27 mins Prowler: 10x80 yds Dynamic OHP: 10x3 DB Lateral Raise: 4x15 DB Front Raise: 4x15 DB Rear Delt Raise: 4x15 Pull-a-parts" : 150 reps Shrugs: 4x15 Side Plank Hip Ups: 3x10 […]
6/20/2022 Oh Yes You Are In The Tour de France
My daily commute is a bike ride to and from my gym. Now, understand that I don't usually see anyone on the way in as it is 3:30 in the morning and if I see anything it's someone doing something illegal or illicit or just plain weird. So when I see another "cyclist"? You better […]
6/17/2022 No One Cares What You Did Yesterday
It's what you are doing TODAY that can make a difference. I've learned over the years to cut the athletic history in HALF for men. No, they never did score six touchdowns vs. "Polk High School" They didn't ALMOST make the Varsity, and Uncle Rico can NOT throw a football over that mountain. But maybe […]
Why Older Bodybuilders Battle With Distention
Older bodybuilders typically have distention and it isn't for the reasons you might think.
6/16/2022 Motivation v. Driven
When we offered the "Driven" T-shirt here at EliteFTS, that was for me a MUST have. The shirt says it all. Motivation is the desire, the idea to achieve a specific goal. Drive means you will run right through anything standing in the way of that goal even if that something is yourself. "Motivation gets […]
6/15/2022 The only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad...
Attitude, not Amplitude determines your Altitude... Today's Training: Cycle: 28 mins Prowler: 10x80 yards Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time DB Shoulder Crank: 4x10 Combo these moves; Hammer Curl to overhead press. Externally rotate the hands and then do a slow deceleration of the full lateral raise DB Lateral Raise: 4x6x Stupid Heavy. If […]
6/14/2022 Getting Beat v. Quitting
I always wanted to play linebacker in the NFL, but due to genetics, my physical size is about 5'x5', so that just wasn't going to happen. I've always been pretty darn quick with a respectable 40 time and I am fairly strong for a charging Rhinoceros. But that damn height/weight thing has always been a […]
The Best Thing About Cutting Weight For A Meet
People have used weight cuts forever, but I'm not sure how many people think of this possible side benefit
6/13/2022 Those Dang Fat Gripz
Fat Grip and 4orce Grips are two simple tools that will challenge any grip and the muscle in the forearms. We are in a block of them for the next few weeks and they humble everyone. I was at an increment this early morning that I knew everyone would be at later. No, it wasn't […]
How I Train While Traveling
Times have changed. I used to train just as hard while out of town as I did while training at my regular gym. Of course, I wasn't training around injuries as much then as I am now, but I'm also smarter now than I was in the past, as well. I will share some things […]
6/10/2022 “From the time you take your first breath, you become eligible...
“From the time you take your first breath, you become eligible to die. You also become eligible to find your greatness and become the one warrior” ~David Goggins Today's Training: Cycle: 29 mins Pull-ups/Chin-ups: 50 reps in total Push-ups/Dips: 100 reps EACH The following exercises are to be done Negative Accentuted: DB Curl: 4x8 DB Supine […]
6/9/2022 I Added Another Rule to the Handbook...
At about 1:00 AM this morning, I couldn't get a Kenny Chesney song out of my head. I kept going over the lyrics, over and over, and over. I can't even tell you the name of the tune for my life. So as I lay there wide awake, I decided to get shit done. Heck, […]
Cheat or Be Strict? When to use cheat reps in strength training.
When and how to use cheat reps in strength training.
6/8/2022 If I were a plastic surgeon...
If I were a plastic surgeon there would be no doubt, 100 percent of the time, I would put a "squeaky toy" in every breast implant. Today's Training: Cycle: 28 mins AirDyne: 10x20-10-20 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Flat DB Fly: 3x10 Incline Cable Fly: 3x10 Push-ups: 100 reps Ab Wheel: 3x12 Crunches: 100 reps Cycle: 27 […]
6/7/2022 Hey! How Are Those New Year's Resolutions Coming Along?
When I woke up this morning for some reason my mind focused on that question. First thing... I wondered how all those New Year; New YOU people were actually dug in and hammering away at those big dreams? You all remember the rush at the gym come January, yea? How they faded some by the […]
6/6/2022 Fat Grip Deadlift Training (boy how people hate these)
The weakest link in the upper body is the pressure you can exert between the pinky finger and your thumb on the same hand. Years ago, I was the S&C Coach for the inventor of the "Wing T" offense and head coach, Chuck Apap. On a Friday night under the lights in the high desert […]