5/5/2022 When you Carry the Weight of the World...
When you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, SQUAT that shit. Life has its ups and downs. Everyone knows that. I like to call them squats! Today's Training: No Bike today...I had to drive my Vanborgini then get it SMOG tested (which is a California rip off) and the gas tank filled...(well, […]
5/4/2022 I Like Seeing People Happy...
I love it when you see a person walking by with a smile on their face. You know something happened and they are remembering what it was... Maybe they got a cute little text. Maybe they got laid. Maybe they just killed a man. You'll never know... But they are HAPPY Today's Training: Bike: Commuter: […]
5/3/2022 If you suck at something...
I hear often "I hate these...(name anything)". Well, the chances the reason you hate something is that you suck at doing them and thus, they are not that fun for you. HOWEVER, if you DID them and got better at doing them, then they wouldn't be so awful anymore. Really, the things you are bad […]
5/2/2022 The First Step in Change...
To make changes of any sort, you must first recognize and be aware of your own bullshit. Quit lying to yourself!!! Today was a great day regardless of how some of my people came into the gym today. "I'm tired", "I didn't get any sleep", "I don't FEEEEL like pushing the Prowler". Oh yea? Go […]
4/29/2022 The Silencer Workout
I emphasized the deceleration of the muscle or the "negative" movement in today's workout. To do a proper negative rep I have the athlete hold and let down or lengthen the muscle without any loaded concentric contraction. For example, a negative chin is done with a box height that when standing on it, the athlete's […]
4/28/2022 If it Terrifies you...
I have always figured that if something terrifies me at the same time amazes me, then THAT is something I need to pursue relentlessly with feverish perversion. Today's Training: Bike: Commute: 30 mins Dynamic Effort Squat: 10x2x55% Dynamic Deadlift: 15x1x55% GHR: 4x10 Fwd Stepping Lunge w/ knee touch: 4x10 Hip Extension: 100 consecutive non-stop reps […]
4/27/2022 For the Love of God...Overgrip
I can't tell you how hard it is to get people to maximize their grip while doing ANY bar work of any kind. I can bark until I'm blue in the face...Grip the bar harder than necessary. Create the TENSION that is needed to move weight FAST. Look...If your hands don't put marks into the […]
Day 5 of the dreaded Covid
Most of you know that I came home last Thursday to a family that tested positive for Covid. They looked like hell and sounded worse. FAK! How can the vaccinated get this thing? So, to be safe, I tested and came up POSITIVE as well. The difficult thing here is for me to understand, I […]
Bodybuilding Isn't a Team Sport
Bodybuidling is a selfish sport and even more selfish to people who don't understand anything about bodybuilding. Good luck trying to explain it.
Training April 18-23rd
Mon TTF Lower Warm up. Belt squat 4x4 BW lunge walk 4x4 Ab machine light 4x4 stretch Tues Walked on treadmill for 6min. Wasn't terrible out of breathe TTF upper warm up DB bench 10lbs 4x4 Lat Pull down 4x4 DB curls 4x4 stretch Thursday TTF lower warm up Echo Bike 6min. Breathing sucked again […]
4/21/2022 Covid?
Seems my wife brought home the flu the other day and exposed us all to it. She feels horrible. So I took the home test and both my son and I tested +. The weird thing is??? I don't feel bad at all. I have the sniffles but I thought that was more from the […]
4-Week Training Cycle Progression Idea
This is a progression idea that I’ve been thinking about for our summer training. It’s based off of what I do in-season. It’s nothing magical. I’m just sticking to a couple basic ideas that seem to hold true regardless of your goal (athlete, lifter, suburban commando, etc…). In this case, this progression is for football […]