4/20/2022 I Have Been Around the Strongest
I have been around some of the strongest people in the world. A five-hundred-pound bench is quite common amongst many of my peers. Heck, I have seen 1000 lbs go up on a multi-ply bench press and it is quite impressive. Today we were benching and I was still getting a charge out of some […]
4/19/2022 Pop Your Heart Tuesday
A day dedicated to conditioning... Today's Training: Daily Mobility Warm-up Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time AirDyne: Tabata: 10x20-10-20 Dun
4/18/2022 I did this Yesterday...
Yesterday was Easter Sunday. I slept in (until 5:00 AM) and then woke my family to wish them all a "Happy Easter". Now considering that my household is Jewish, this becomes quite funny. Regardless, being the only Christian in the house, I decided that it would be fitting to Push the Prowler in recognition of […]
Training For Power and Athleticism
Power is different than strength and is a perishable skill. This is how and why I train for power.
Pay Attention To This One Thing To Optimize Your Progress
There are a lot of variables and many facets to gaining muscle, losing body fat, or doing both at the same time (yes, you can do both at the same time). However, there is one thing that stands out above everything else and if you focus on it and look for it, you will be […]
4/15/2022 Practice an unnecessary hyper grip
I like to create tension. No, not that kind that you get with all the drama but the tension that is used to create more muscle innervation. To do that, one of the easiest methods I find helpful is to "over-grip." or "choke the shit out of..." every bar that you hold. We could use […]
4/14/2022 Trying to Understand some People...
Trying to understand some people is like trying to pick up a turd by the clean end. Today's Training: Bike Commute: 28 mins Prowler: 10x80 yards Then to make sure everyone was keeping their own records by logging into their own notebooks I wrote on my Whiteboard..."Same workout as Monday" It was easy for those […]
4/13/2022 I am not very good at "multi-tasking"
I'm one of those guys that have to turn down the car radio to look for an address. If I try to do more than two things at the same time (as in super setting) then I'm not going to get ANYTHING done. About the only thing I can do fairly well is pissing people […]
4/12/2022 Pop Your Heart Tuesday
Today's Training: Bike: Commute: 28 mins Prowler: 10x80 yds Superman: 20 Prone Scorpion: 10 to each side Push-ups: 20 Cat/Camel: 10 Fire Hydrant Knee Circle: 10 to each side Stretcher Pull-ups: 8x1 AirDyne: 10x15/45 Option one of the three: Graded Treadmill Walk Versa-Climber Row
VIDEO: Blast Cycles, Business, and My Back Injury
For the last two months I've been putting out QnA videos on YouTube. It seems that I have a small very steady group of followers that actually have a lot of questions. GOOD QUESTIONS. So once per week I put up a video where they can ask questions below and then a few days later […]
While Cutting, Make The Training Fit The Diet
While cutting, make the training fit the diet, not the other way around.
4/8/2022 Slow Twitch/Fast Twitch
Because there are four dyes that are used to determine muscle fiber (I think there might be more if we had more dyes) the training I do focuses on each during some part of our training. Fast Twitch Glycolytic, Slow Twitch Glycolytic, Fast Twitch Oxidative, and Slow Twitch Oxidative are the four I know of […]
4/7/2022 People that Pronounce the word...
People who pronounce the word "vase" like "voz" make me want to punch them in the foz. Yesterday I made a statement that I was amazed at anyone near my age that doesn't suffer from either a shoulder issue or a hip issue that has played sport as a younger person and trained their asses […]
4/6/2022 Dance Like No One is Watching?
I danced like no one was watching. I like to dance. Problem was that someone WAS watching and they thought I was having a seizure, and that fucker called an ambulance. Today's Training: Bike: Commute: 27 mins Prowler: 10x80 yards Row: 12 mins Cat/Camel: 10 Supermans: 20 Prone Scorpions: 15 each side Push-ups: 15 Stretcher […]
4/5/2022 Pop Your Heart Tuesday
Overheard at the office today: "I like our conditioning days better on Wedensday." My response? (reaching into my pocket to see if I have any 'cares' to give).."NO" Bike: Commute: 27 mins Supermans: 20 Prone Scorpions: 15 to each side Foam Roller Abs: 15/30 Pull-up stretch: 7x1 Cat/Camels: 10 Push-ups: 12 Charlie Sits:30 seconds Prowler: […]
4/4/2022 Deadlifts were once called the "health lift"
Years ago, as in the 1800s, there was a medical doctor that would go to the "gymnasium" to work out. The gyms back then had all kinds of ropes, rings, high bars, or gymnastic types of apparatus. The pegboards and dowel rod racks along with a few boxing types of exercises would round out the […]
What Do You Do Between Sets?
Are you using your time between sets optimally or for entertainment? I have a story for you.