This Is Really Easy
I probably get on some people's nerves when I say that getting lean is incredibly easy. Before you blast me and say that I am always lean or it's only easy for me, you're wrong; don't say it. If it is easy for me, it should be easy for the vast majority of people because […]
4/1/2022 I LOVE April Fools Day and a 1000 rep arm routine!!!
I get a wild hair every now and again, and on the bike ride in today, I said to myself that I'd jump off the bike, open the gate to the outer compound, grab a Prowler, and have at it. No procrastination, no delay, just GO! Once a month we do 1000 reps for just […]
Strongman: The Year 2003
It has been a wild month! Just to start the post off, my week began with a serious conversation with a Doctor. He was looking at some images of my body and telling me he knew I wouldn't listen but that my training days were numbered. Tonight I began looking back on some old files, […]
3/31/2022 Throat Punch Thursday
Today's Training: Bike: Commute: 27 mins Supermans: 20 Prone Scorpions: 15 to each side Push-ups: 10 Stretch Pull-ups: 6x1 Squat: 7x7x +10 lbs RDL: 7x7x +10 lbs GHR: Negative Accentuated: 4x10 super slow on the way down Calf Raise: 100 reps Ab Crunch: 100 reps Bike Commute: 29 mins
3/30/2022 Yea it's heavy. That's why we call it weight!
At this point in this training cycle, we have raised the weight on the main lifts by 60 lbs except for the overhead press which has been raised by 30 lbs. So YES, it is getting heavy. Stay with it as we switch to MY version of the 6-4-2 next week. Today's Training: Bike: Commute: […]
3/29/2022 Pop Your Heart Tuesday
I have a friend who has struggled with his weight for YEARS! When I say, "I have BIG friends", I am not speaking of the fellas that you grew up with that are 220 lbs. I am speaking of B I G friends!!! 6'5" and taller and weighing closer to 350 lbs on up. Anyway, […]
3/28/2022 It wouldn't be me if I didn't...
If I didn't get comfortable with the uncomfortable, it would be me and I couldn't give anyone a rash of crap that I am notorious for. Man the fuck up and git er done! It hardly EVER rains here in California. As a matter of fact, we are in the middle of another drought and […]
5/3/1 - Running With The Devil
With adding up to 15 miles of running a week into my training, something had to change. Luckily I knew just who to talk to.
3/25/2022 Forearm Plank
How to do it: Rest your forearms on the floor, with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders and hands facing forward so that your arms are parallel. Extend your legs out behind you and rest your toes on the floor. Your body should form one straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Squeeze your […]
The Training Year: Act 3 - Spring Practice
Spring Football is upon us. We get 5 weeks of training and 4 weeks of football. I kind of like tis because I get to introduce the in-season training a week before practice officially starts. When we played our covid season last spring and then again this past fall I opted not to Squat. This […]
3 Weeks Into My Cut Phase
I am quite sure that some of you will be irritated that I'm not posting pictures, yet. I will get to that but not until I'm leaner. We all have our shit and my shit is that I don't post pictures until I'm much leaner. I have high expectations for myself, and I refuse to […]
3/24/2022 I hate it when the voices in my head go silent...
...I never know what those fuckers are planning. Today's Training: Bike: Commute: 25 mins Supermans: 20 reps Prone Scorpions: 3x5 to each side Pull-ups/Chin-ups w/ hang stretch at the beginning and end of EACH rep: 5x1 of each Squat: 8x8x +10 lbs more than last week RDL: 8x8x +10 lbs more than last week GHR: […]
3/23/2022 Don't Let the Bar Simply Sit in your Hands.
We teach the setup of the bench by retracting the shoulders and depressing the scapula. Then we put any significant weight on the bar and that goes right out the window with newer people. As a verbal queue, we might say, "Put your shoulder blades into your back pockets", and then the bencher forgets "LEG […]
3/22/2022 Pop Your Heart Tuesday
Today's Training: Bike: Commute: 24 mins Run: Sprints: 10x50 yard x 75% Supermans: 30 reps Prone Scorpions: 3x5 to each side Single Leg Lifts on a foam roller lengthwise: 30 reps no hands on the floor Double Leg Lifts on a foam roller lengthwise: 30 reps WITH hands on the floor Concept II Row: 15x15/45 […]
Operation Be Less Fat - The Un-Cheat Meal
This little tidbit has helped me with my weight loss tremendously over the years.
March 14-19th
March 14th Safety bar squats. 3x8. 75lbs. Still Tough aka Didn’t have To stop after every rep this week. Step-Ups. 3x5 each Leg. BW DB RDL. 3x8. 25lbs all sets FRONT PLANK. 2sets @25sec Echo Bike. 6min. 1.50mile. Was exhausted from the lift and travel this weekend. March 15th Treadmill. 6min total. Walked on the new treadmills felt good. 3.5MPH 5min. Then […]
3/21/2022 Yes, I feel alright!
After a sleepless week and the time change, my body and mind "hit the wall" on Friday. Many people were inquiring as to how I was feeling, and I appreciate everyone's concern. It's nice knowing that many really do care, but I wasn't sick, no illness, no injury, no covid, no STDs, nothing but old […]