Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

This is a great bench builder!
Get a huge ROI on some $10 sliders!
SO00 much YOKE!!
The Often Forgotten Golden Rule Of Training
The Often Forgotten Golden Rule Of Training
If you want to get bigger and stronger this is probably one of the most important rules and it's the hardest to follow.
The Training Year: Winter Team Training - Act 2 1/2: Winter Training Ove...
We just finished out Winter Team Training.  As usual, we didn’t follow the plan exactly as it was written.  The plan got us going in a direction and adjustments were made along the way.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  And nothing we did was terribly innovative or fancy.  Yet, somehow, it worked? The Winter was […]
3/15/2022  Pop Your Heart Tuesday?
3/15/2022 Pop Your Heart Tuesday?
What in tarnation trickery is going on HERE? Yea, it's my way of combatting the "Cherry Picker". You know the ones that hate to do the conditioning part of the "Strength AND Conditioning? So I randomly will pick the day and send it out. Today was that day... Today's Training: Run: Speed Play three miles […]
Hyperaemia for your lumbar!!
3/13/2022 The Weights Will Always Win
3/13/2022 The Weights Will Always Win
I've read about people "killing" their workout or "Slaying their cardio" and that's cute. However, I've never witnessed anyone actually doing that. Sure they have PR'd in competition, or prepped themselves to a spot on the starting line-up, but the Strength and Conditioning program that I run is designed to kick your ass. I've trained […]
3/11/2022 Super Slow Reps followed by a few quick ones.  Guns be blazin'
3/11/2022 Super Slow Reps followed by a few quick ones. Guns be blazin&...
We want to move the weight through its range of motion as slow as we can without it "jerking" along the path. We want to move the weight in this manner both in the concentric as well as the eccentric phases. Then bury the needle and blast blood into the muscle with SEVEN quick reps. […]
3/10/2022  Fear...
3/10/2022 Fear...
Fear doesn't stop death, but it does stop life! Today's Training: Bike Commute: 26 mins Squat: 10x10x +10 total pounds more than last week RDL: 10x10x +10 total pounds more than last week GHR: 3x10 Side Plank Hip Ups: 3x10 Bike Commute: 30 mins (into the wind with fatigued legs)
Deadlift Basics: Lats, Neck and Grip.
Deadlift Basics: Lats, Neck and Grip.
Watch this 7 minute video.
3/9/2022  I can see the difference
3/9/2022 I can see the difference
In a short three weeks of this concentrated volume work, I have now witnessed MOST of the people in my program making significant changes in their bodies. It is quite satisfying to watch the growth happen right before your very eyes. Granted, some are morphing more rapidly than others, but yet the "hard gainers" are […]
3/8/2022  Still hammering away with volume
3/8/2022 Still hammering away with volume
During this phase not only are we working on pushing a lot of sarcoplasm into the muscle, but it's also a great way to hone the technique. Each rep needs to be scrutinized and not just "banged" out. Small adjustments are made and the exercises mantra must be repeated: Shoulderblades in the back pocket Pull […]
3/7/2022  I Love Mondays
3/7/2022 I Love Mondays
I think it was about 30 years ago that I changed my thinking about dreading Monday. I was sitting in my living room with a bunch of friends on a Sunday when the bitching started about it being the end of the weekend, and how we had to get back to the grind the next […]
Why Covid Is One Of The Best Things To Ever Happen To Me
Why Covid Is One Of The Best Things To Ever Happen To Me
The title might be a little misleading, but a great read nonetheless if I do say so myself.
Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 25 mins Ab Wheel: 4x10 Concept II Row: 10x15/45 Pulldown Abs: 4x10xheavy band AirDyne Sprints: 10x15/45 Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x12 BB Curl: 4x8 Supine DB Tricep Ext.: 4x12 DB Hammer Curl: 4x8 Dips: 4x12 Concentration Curl: 4x8 Bike Commute: 27 mins
Do You Want to Inspire Someone?  3/3/2022
Do You Want to Inspire Someone? 3/3/2022
If you want to really inspire someone, don't show them what your gifts are, show them THEIRS! While we are in this phase of training it is important to remember to move quickly with minimum rest intervals. If your heart isn't pumping in your ears then you need to pick the pace up... Today's Training: […]
The Voice Of Reason
The Voice Of Reason
You know, the voice very few of us listen to even though it's the loudest voice in our head. I lead by example.
Eight Things to Keep in Mind...3/2/2022 Volume 4.0
Eight Things to Keep in Mind...3/2/2022 Volume 4.0
Everything can and will change 2. You've overcome challenges before 3. It's a learning experience 4. NOT getting what you want can turn out to be a good thing 5. Have some fun. It's really ok to do this... 6. Be good to yourself. It has great healing properties 7. Don't worry about other people's […]

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