Do You Want to Inspire Someone? 3/3/2022
If you want to really inspire someone, don't show them what your gifts are, show them THEIRS! While we are in this phase of training it is important to remember to move quickly with minimum rest intervals. If your heart isn't pumping in your ears then you need to pick the pace up... Today's Training: […]
Old Man Conjugate: My Top 3 Upper Body Movements to Improve Strength and...
The Bandbell Bar is King
The Voice Of Reason
You know, the voice very few of us listen to even though it's the loudest voice in our head. I lead by example.
Eight Things to Keep in Mind...3/2/2022 Volume 4.0
Everything can and will change 2. You've overcome challenges before 3. It's a learning experience 4. NOT getting what you want can turn out to be a good thing 5. Have some fun. It's really ok to do this... 6. Be good to yourself. It has great healing properties 7. Don't worry about other people's […]
Zip Codes and Phone Numbers 3/1/2022
I just ran into Best Buy to purchase some batteries. The kid at the counter asked me for my zip code and phone number to which I replied, "90210 and 867-5309". He never questioned or looked up at me once. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 26 mins. (riding angry) Bench: 11x11x+10 total pounds […]
2/28/2022 More Volume Training with only TWO Exercises
I used to have a training partner many years ago with whom I would switch training notebooks to get our workouts. I would design his and he would design mine. He would give me a list of many things to do at times and I knew it was a bullshit workout. I would give him […]
2/25/2022 Early dismissal and the Brown Dirt Plumber
I had to leave the gym early today to meet a plumber at my house. I have a very difficult time leaving a facility unattended. "Murphy's Law" states that if anything bad is to happen, it will!" Hopefully, I pray, everyone will be fine. As for the plumber? I wait patiently for a person that […]
2/24/2022 Volume Training 3.0 It's like sex...
A small selection of exercises but MAN o MAN...what an exhausting session. (as all have been this past week, only to set next week up) Run: 3.0 mile fartlek run (again) Yes I know, two days in a row is kind of hard on the old joints, BUT...the dog has to go out and it's […]
2/23/2022 Volume Training 2.15
Today's Training: Fartlek Run: 3 miles. "Fartlek" is basically translated into "Speed Play" This is where you Jog, then you run, then Sprint, and even slow down and walk to recover. Although a REAL runner would never walk. hahaha For me I sprint as FAR as I can until I bust a lung or pop […]
Volume Training 2.0 "To Write or Not To Write?" 2/22/2022
Throughout the years I've had friends recommend or request that I write a book. I always think that "sure, why not. Seems like a good idea", but then I stop and think, "who the heck would want to read it?" I mean really, write about training? There are VOLUMES of that stuff. Write about nutrition? […]
Just About That Time
I have anxiously awaited this for a while now. In less than 2 weeks, I will finally get to start a cut cycle after being back to what I consider to be my "100%". No, my legs are certainly not 100% in reference to the size I had prior to my injuries that started in […]
Volume Training 2/21/2022
We're about to start a new phase and while this workout LOOKS easy, it's both time-consuming AND lower body draining. Heck, I almost nodded off at the conclusion. It's also important record the starting weight because each week we will lessen the set/rep count and ADD weight. Let's get ready to RUMBLE... Today's Training: AirDyne: […]
TRAINING FEB 14th-20th.
Monday Safety Bar Squats 3x8. Step-Ups. 3x5 each Leg. BW DB RDL. 3x8. 15lbs FRONT PLANK. 2sets 45sec Echo Bike. 6min. 1.50mile. Was exhausted from the lift. Did what I could. Plan on doing a lot of steps today. Tuesday Treadmill. 6min total. Walked on the new treadmills felt good. 3.5MPH 5min. Then 4.0MPH for last min. Not terrible. BB bench press. 3x8. 60lbs DB […]
I'm not sure you guys are even getting these... Today's Training: D.E. Bench: 10x3 D.E. OHP: 10x3 DB Fly: 100 continuous reps DB Lateral Raise: 4x12 Lat Pulldown: 4x12 Curls: 4x12 Triceps: 4x12
Today's Training: Run: 2 miles warm-up 10x50 yd sprint Sciatica Stretches: 10 mins Bike Commute: 26 mins 4" Pin Press: 2 RM Incline Hammer Press: 100 continuous reps w/ a plate on each side Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x10xHeavy Supine DB Tricep Extension: 4x10 Bike Commute: 27 mins
Dip, Grip, and Rip...2/14/2022
Today's Training: Run: Sprints 5x100 Bike Commute: 33 mins. I was riding into a stiff constant wind Plate Pinch Farmers Walk: 15x80 yard x 45's Deadlift: 4 RM; Double overhand grip; no hook grip or reciprocating grip. No sound when it touches Bike Commute: 22 mins. (yep that wind was at my back now) Needless […]