Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

10.7.2024  I know that I am intelligent...
10.7.2024 I know that I am intelligent...
"I know that I am intelligent because I know that I know nothing." – Socrates Today's Training: Warm-up: DB External/Internal Shoulder Rotation: 3x10 Face Pulls: 4x10 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 Cable Front Raise: 4x10 Thumbs UP Lateral Raise: 4x10 Steep Incline Cable Fly/ Chest Press: 4x10/4x10 Max Effort 3 RM Bench 4-way Neck: 1x15
What I Do On Meet/Peak Week
What I Do On Meet/Peak Week
If you have put the work in for a meet, or as in my case, to test your max lifts, you need to peak properly. What to do...
10.4.2024.  Lazy people fact #2347827309018287.
10.4.2024. Lazy people fact #2347827309018287.
You were too lazy to read that number, so I won't tell you that I also squatted today and neither will you. Today's Training: Lat Pulldown: 4x15 C/S Row: 4x15 Articulating Pulldown: 4x15 Supinated Grip Low Cable Row: 4x15 Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x12 Barbell Curl: 4x10 Skull Crusher: 4x12 DB Hammer Curl: 4x10
Old Man Conjugate: Top 5 Single Leg Exercises
Old Man Conjugate: Top 5 Single Leg Exercises
These are all wicked hard. + Videos
10.2.2024  Rule Your Mind
10.2.2024 Rule Your Mind
or it will rule YOU. Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: GHR: 5x10 vs. mini band Dynamic Squat: 10x2 Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1 Cycle
10.1.2024. There Are No Secrets...READ for 15 minutes a day.
10.1.2024. There Are No Secrets...READ for 15 minutes a day.
Hey look, I am by no means a fast reader. I do read, albeit, slowly for 15 minutes a day from a positive mental attitude book. By doing so, I consume roughly a book per month, which has been an average 10-12 books per year. Considering the last book I read while attending undergraduate school […]
9.30.2024  Dynamic Bench "Clusters"
9.30.2024 Dynamic Bench "Clusters"
What the heck is a Dynamic Bench Cluster? That's a good question. I had been thinking about it and decided today would be a good day to experiment. It's good that I have some great training partners who will do what I do without too many questions. Here's how you perform a "Cluster" set. Once […]
My Annual Max Testing Day!
My Annual Max Testing Day!
It was time to test my annual maxes. Did I get them? Read to find out.
9.28.2024. If I Gave Away A FREE Seminar Would You Come?
9.28.2024. If I Gave Away A FREE Seminar Would You Come?
In my gym, we have daily hours that start at 4:00 AM. That's four in the morning with access to a strength and conditioning coach (ME!), Monday through Friday. I enjoy max-effort squats and deadlifts on Saturday mornings when the gym is closed. However, I will invite a small, selected group of lifters or athletes […]
9.27.2024  Your Goals Should Be Written in Cement
9.27.2024 Your Goals Should Be Written in Cement
Your goals should be written in cement, never changing, and the objectives of the goal should be written in sand. Tony Robbins says it best: "Stay committed to your decisions but stay flexible in your approach." Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: Ladder Pulldown: 4 hand positions; 4 sets of 25 reps in each Tricep Pushdown: 4x25 […]
You Gotta Read the Label
You Gotta Read the Label
Looks healthy. Isn’t.
9.26.2024. You Are Motivated In Only Two Ways
9.26.2024. You Are Motivated In Only Two Ways
I've spoken about being disciplined even more so than motivated many times. Discipline will get you to the finish line whereas "Motivation" will get you to the starting line. That starting line is made up of only two ways. You are either moving toward something (something you want, need, or something) or away from something, […]
9.25.2024 Don't Let Them Get Away With TOO Much
9.25.2024 Don't Let Them Get Away With TOO Much
I am all about having fun and bantering with the people in the gym. We go back and forth with regularity. The "Student/Athletes" and I have a great dialogue with just the right sarcastic remarks. HOWEVER ! ! ! There comes a certain point that sarcasm and banter can and DOES turn into a level […]
9.24.2024. I Added "Balance" Exercises to The Program
9.24.2024. I Added "Balance" Exercises to The Program
I have a growing number of "mature" participants in the program. Why? Because I'm old, duh, and (AND) many of them have been with me for quite a while now. While strength is paramount in my training, I never forget the conditioning part. In the past, conditioning primarily referred to oxygen uptake, cardiac output, endurance, […]
9.23.2024  Where Do They Come Up With This Stuff?
9.23.2024 Where Do They Come Up With This Stuff?
I try, really I do...I try to stay open-minded while attempting to continue my learning in the Strength and Conditioning field. BUT...between Podcasters and their guests, Fitness "Influencers" (The fuck is that?), and Wannabe Strength and Conditioning "Coaches" (I quote that term because it's rare to find one), where do they come up with some […]
9.21.2024. And Then Again, Sometimes You Just Shut Your Mouth and SQUAT!
9.21.2024. And Then Again, Sometimes You Just Shut Your Mouth and SQUAT!
I have joked that "squats fix everything", and the more I say that the more it becomes true. Feeling good? Squat Feel like garbage? Squat Lost your job? Squat Wife is going to have a baby? Squat Whatever is going on in your life...Just shut your mouth and squat! Today was no different. I have […]
After three shitty nights of sleep, I woke up tired yet again. So I decided not to ride my bike to work today and get the added rest. Possibly THE hardest thing for me to do is take time off and walk away from any normal activity. I am so trained and disciplined in my […]
9.19.2024  I Don't Care How Much You Curl
9.19.2024 I Don't Care How Much You Curl
I have everyone in the program keeping a journal of their training. I do it so they can see the actual progression of our four big lifts. When we do accessory work, I do not favor maintaining the biggest numbers for those exercises. Yes, we keep them, but they don't have to improve drastically from […]
9.18.2024  The Thing On My Foot Looks Like Mt. Fuji
9.18.2024 The Thing On My Foot Looks Like Mt. Fuji
I have a nifty growth on the top side of my foot. Looks like a Ganglion Cyst, but a BIG one. Its size puts pressure on the nerve next to it, causing my big toe to tingle and sometimes feel like a sock has curled up under it. Anyway, I'm having surgery on it in […]

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