Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

I kept trying to remember the story of the dog that howled so much but keep forgetting to write it in my weekday Coaching Log.  Therefore a rare weekend appearance.
I kept trying to remember the story of the dog that howled so much but k...
The story is more about MOTIVATION rather than a sad story of a dog, so look deeper than just the surface... There was a young man walking on the sidewalk down a lovely street when he came upon a house with a wide front porch with a double swing, a couch, and a rocking chair […]
Music Selection...2/11/2022
Music Selection...2/11/2022
When I open the gym part of the procedure is to turn on the Spotify/Pandora station. I rarely give two cents worth what is on from the night before, so I usually will press "play" and endure whatever... However, once in a great while I will feel like something that I actually want to hear. […]
I from time to time need to remind myself...2/10/2022
I from time to time need to remind myself...2/10/2022
From time to time I need to remind myself, that being afraid of things going wrong is NOT the way to make things go right. NO FEAR!!! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 27 mins Prowler: 10x80 yards Box Jump: 15x2 Good Mornings (for the stretch w/ various stances): 10x5 GHR: 5x10 Reverse Hyper: […]
A Very Emotional Press
A few months ago I was working with a client who is not living up to their potential on their log press and I tried to explain to them what I wanted them to do and the typed word and even the spoken word sometimes just doesn't get the job done, so I did it […]
4 "Advizes" For Your Vanilla Friends
4 "Advizes" For Your Vanilla Friends
Before any of you swingers get worked up, I'm not referring to THOSE vanilla friends. I'm talking about your friends who don't consistently work out or eat healthy. Vanilla friends like to ask a lot of questions at this time of the year. They want the best weight-training workout; they want the best diet plan […]
When I Write Too Much...2/9/2022
When I write too much on the whiteboard about the objectives for the day, I find that I cause more confusion than if I didn't try to explain all the details. Today I wanted everyone to warm up with five minutes of steady-state and easy AirDyne. Then I wanted TEN x 50-second exercise bouts that […]
At Any Given Moment...2/8/2022
At Any Given Moment...2/8/2022
At any given moment you have the power to say "Now it all changes", "This is not how the book ends". It's that instantaneous. You don't just do it, you get it done!!! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Sciatica Stretches Bike Commute: 28 mins Bench: Pin Press; 4 RM; PRE=8 Face Pulls: 200 x mini […]
It's a Crap Shoot  2/7/2022
It's a Crap Shoot 2/7/2022
Because I have a few "Cherry Pickers" when it comes to the weekly workouts, I changed the pace on them. They hate, I MEAN HATE doing the Conditioning part of the program which I usually reserve the "big one" for Wednesdays, so they skip Wed. Well, let me tell YOU I did it today and […]
When Training Is No Longer The Hardest Part
When Training Is No Longer The Hardest Part
I like to train hard, I mean really hard, but that's not the hardest part of lifting anymore.
Benching and stuff...2/4/2022
Benching and stuff...2/4/2022
Today I introduced the Sling Shot to my groups as a way of overloading our bench. Unless you are used to carrying the bar lower on your chest and keeping the weight over your elbows without them flaring, the SS will tend to throw the bar behind and right into your mouth. The bencher must […]
Old Man Conjugate: Improvise, Adapt and Overcome
Old Man Conjugate: Improvise, Adapt and Overcome
What to do when stuff isn’t going according to the plan.
Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Ab Crunch: 50 reps Sciatica Stretches Bike Commute: 28 mins. Boy o boy was it ever cold. brrrrrr Box Jumps: 15x2 GHR: 5x10 Reverse Hyper: 5x10 Fwd stepping lunge with a twist: 5x10 Foam Roller Spinal Stabilizer: 3x15/3x15 Lat Pulldown: 4x10 Bicep: 4x10 Triceps: 4x10 Bike Commute: 27 mins
Pop Your Heart Wed.   2/2/2022
Pop Your Heart Wed. 2/2/2022
Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 36 mins (into a pretty stiff wind) Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time. 19:57 is still the time to beat Versi Climber: 8x50 steps OR Treadmill Walk at 3.5 mph with an increase of 1% per min for 16 total minutes. Foam Roll Core Activation: 3x15 Biceps: […]
When I Was Younger...2/1/2022
When I Was Younger...2/1/2022
I can't remember this many warning labels on things as I see today. I suppose we weren't as stupid back then as we are now. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 30 mins. BOY was it ever cold this morning C/S Row: 4x10 3-Way Shoulders: 3x20 DB Row: 3x8 Heavy OHP: 6 RM; no […]
This made me laugh...1/27/2022
I was perusing a magazine and I saw this ad that made me bust out laughing sending the chocolate milk out of my nose. It read... "Do you want to lose weight but don't want to get caught up in one of those 'eat right and exercise' scams? I lost it right there. bwahahahaha Today's […]
An Ultra Simple Tip to Make Your Whole Life Better
An Ultra Simple Tip to Make Your Whole Life Better
A powerful log here. Don’t miss it.
Complete what YOU Start 1/26/2021
I have this personal thing that says's "Never Quit". I loathe quitters. I would tell the teams that I coached "for them to win (and sometimes they will but we won't lose) they're going to need a sniper in the upper row with a Barrett .50 cal to stop us" See, once you quit something […]
Somebody Once Told Me
During my sophomore year of college, I really started to get into strength training. You know... diving deep into Oxygen magazine and Muscle & Fitness, copying each model's exact diet, writing it out in a notebook and seeing how closely I could follow it. Insert Face Palm emoji. But let's be honest - most of […]
Adding a few more things to the Daily program 1/25/2022
I've added a few more "daily" exercises to help with lagging body parts AND Joint health. Adding another set to the bi/tri routine to allow for an increase in weight AND the Indian Club Tomohawk chops. EVERYONE said how good those Indian Clubs felt. I will be adding a few more things as we get […]

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