Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Monday...I Freak'n LOVE Mondays 1/24/2022
I'm not sure when I started to love the bajesusbug out of Mondays but MAN do I enjoy them. You get to start a whole new week fresh. You can mess with anyone you want from the beginning, AND...loving Mondays the way I do, pisses so many people off that it's the greatest. Now most […]
Texting With Tate - Words To Live By
Texting With Tate - Words To Live By
Training heavy and hard as an older lifter takes some finesse. Having great mentors certainly helps
A Different Approach For Benching And Rowing
A Different Approach For Benching And Rowing
Switching angles or hand position can make a big difference. Try this variation.
Shoulder Press v. Chest Press 1/21/2022
Too often I get into a routine of amassing tremendous focus on the Bench and leaving OHP to act like the little cousin at a family reunion. When in fact, looking at what benefits the other I have noticed that the OHP has great carry over to the bench, but the bench does NOT have […]
Don't Piss Off Old People 1/20/2022
The older I get, the less "Life in Prison" becomes a deterrent. Today's Training: Bike Commute: 28 mins Dynamic Squat: 10x2x50% + a bunch of chains on each side Dynamic Deadlifts: 10x1x 55% Reverse Hypers: 4x10 GHR: 3x10 (Really extend your body in the non contracted position) Suspended Knee Ups: 3x10 Curls of a sort: […]
My 4 Go To Stretches to Improve Your Hip Mobility Fast + Videos
My 4 Go To Stretches to Improve Your Hip Mobility Fast + Videos
Be more mobile, reduce pain and perform better!
Pop Your Heart Wed. 1/19/2022
A conditioning workout increases blood flow and acts as a filter system. It brings nutrients like oxygen, protein, and iron to the muscles that you've been training and helps them recover faster. Today's Training: Run: 3 miles. Speed Play Bike Commute: 27 mins Prowler Sprints: 12x120 yards Running Sprints: 12x60 Concept II Row: 2500 meters […]
OVER Grip the Bar 1/18/2022
Teaching ONE thing gives the lifter an 87% chance of remembering it. Today's lesson (as it was last week as well) Grip the bar much tighter than you think is necessary. Why? You may ask?? Put your elbow in a 90-degree bend while wearing a short sleeve shirt. Squeeze a ball, or another person's hand, […]
Announcing that you're Offended? 1/17/2022
is basically telling the world that you can't control your own emotions and that everyone else needs to do it for you. Today's Training: Run: 3 miles Bike Commute: 28 mins Seated Good Mornings: -5 Rep Max -PRE=7 Forward Stepping Lunge: 3x15 each leg GHR: 35 reps Single Arm Suitcase Pick up: 3x5 each arm […]
The Difference Between 2021 and 2022
The Difference Between 2021 and 2022
I don't want to go down the list of things that sucked last year and complain about how crappy the year was; I've already done that a few times. I am focused on the POSITIVE things that are happening and the things I have to look forward to this year. Suffice it to say that […]
You Can't Handle The Volume!
You Can't Handle The Volume!
Repeat this in your best Jack Nicholson voice. If you don't get the reference, you aren't worthy of reading my log.
Do What You Need To Do...not just what you want to do 1/14/2022
I abhor stretching. I think I can find other things to do to occupy my time. I say "I'll stretch later" or "I'll stretch in the shower", but I never seem to fit it in. After all, in the time it takes to stretch, I can run another mile or do some single-leg squat movements. […]
I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. 1/13/2022
I think if you want to change something, change it today and don't wait Today's Training: Run: 3 mile Fartlek Bike Commute: 25 mins. D.E. Squat: 10x2x50% D.E. Deadlift: 10x1x50% Reverse Hyper: 4x10 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x10 Curls: 3x12 Tricep Extension: 3x12 Bike Commute: 27 mins
Two Awesome Exercises You Are Not Doing Right Now
Two Awesome Exercises You Are Not Doing Right Now
Get a bigger squat and deadlift with these right now! Watch the videos!
Pop Your Heart Wed. 1/12/2022
I've noticed over the past year that MANY strength athletes are now getting themselves in higher condition levels. I've always maintained if you are going to have a "workhorse" body you better have a "workhorse" engine (heart/lungs). Taking off the unusable body weight is only helpful to those aging fragile joints. Lessen the loads, wide […]
The Secret to Success is...1/11/2022
There are many roads to success, but I find "Talent" to be among the greatest. You have to question often what talents you have in order to succeed? For me, one of my GREATEST talents and the one that has helped me most in life is I DO NOT QUIT! If you have only ONE […]
Good Mornings 1/10/2022
We did Seated Good Mornings today. From a coaching point, I teach ONE thing per session for each person to work on. That way they have an 87% chance of remembering it. If I teach TWO things, the percentage of what they remember drops down to 33%! Imagine that? If I teach THREE things, then […]
Learn to Grind
Learn to Grind
It's a skill you can develop, but it takes time, patience, and proper programming.
Just like everyone else these last 4 weeks, I finally succumbed to the rapture that is covid.
Forgive Me While I Figure My Sh!t Out
Forgive Me While I Figure My Sh!t Out
Sometimes you can feel lost with training. Sometimes you can feel lost with life, Unfortunately, sometimes it's both.

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