Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Two Things I Like...1/7/2022
The two things I like: Sports Prep Work for Sports Today's Training: Run: 3-mile fartlek Man o man I am so into these "speed play" runs these days. Instead of a steady monotoned pounding, the sprinting and then slowing when your lungs fall out seem to make the distance go by much faster. PLUS...I enjoy […]
NOT your average kickbacks!!
These will smoke your tris and your bench!
If It's Not One Thing, It's another. 1/6/2022
I am definitely not a complainer. I in fact have "Rule 67" that states..."No Complaining", so I write about an issue to let those people know that read my stuff that WE ALL suffer from time to time, minor setbacks and NO ONE is above the natural law. (Although I try) For the past three […]
Nutrition 101
New Year... new anything? For most people who have been into lifting and training for sometime, the new year isn't anything special. Maybe we revisit the last year's lifts and see how to improve, but I think I can confidently say that most don't set big New Year's resolutions like the general public. And if […]
"Pop Your Heart" Wed. 1/5/2022
We are back to setting side a day where I try to bring on a coronary. I like to say, "Condition until your heart pops". It has such a romantic flair when you say it that way! But we are not going to have any wheeze'n sneeze'n heart failures in my program. Remember kids...It's Strength […]
The Reason I am Here...1/4/2022
Just to stir up shit. I love motivating my teams. I get as fired up as they do. The Training: 5K Fartlek run. I'm really enjoying these Bench Press: 2 board; 5 RM 3 way Shoulders:3x20 Supine DB Tricep Ext: 3x10 DB Curl: 3x10 Stability Ball PushUps: 50 reps Side Plank: 3x30 seconds each side […]
Bodybuilding Basics, Part 1: Bodybuilders Are Athletes
Bodybuilding Basics, Part 1: Bodybuilders Are Athletes
My thoughts on bodybuilding as a sport and how athletic requirements are reflected in optimal programming.
Never Underestimate ...1/3/2022
"Never underestimate the power of passion" ~ Eve Sawyer Today's Training: Run: Fartlek 3 miles Narrow Stance Low Box Squat: 2" below with feet arm pit wide. 5 rep max weight GHR: 30 reps 45 degree Back Extension: 3x15 Foward Stepping Lunge: 3x10 Bicep Curl: 3x10 Supine Tricep Extension: 3x10 Front Plank: 3x30 seconds Bike […]
DECEMBER 31st. NYE!!!!
Went in early today to train here is what I did. Jacob’s ladder. 6min. TERRIBLE AGAIN, huge quad pump.  Had to rest at 2:00, then again at 3:43, then again at 4:24, then finished. Stopped the clock every time.   Deadlift (2 holes) 3x5 225lbs all sets RPE6/7 Single leg curls 3x8. No weight 1set, 1 plate […]
Echo Bike.  6min. 1:54miles.  Goal was to keep moving with both arms and legs and not alternating using arms or Just legs.  Can tell heart rate got up.  Still tough. BB overhead press. 3x8. 85/90/95 (heavy) DB Shrugs. 3x8.  55/65/70 (so so) Lat PullDowns.  3x8. 9/11/11 (heavy) Abs. LifeFitness crunch 3x18/20/20 Felt pretty good today.  Chest as always since surgery is tight […]
Treadmill. 6min.  3.5MPH for 5min. 3.8MPH for 1min. Belt Box squats 3x5. 165lbs total all sets. FreeMotion leg curls 3x8. 8/10/11 AB’s. Ab pull down machine. 3x8.  12/15/15 Felt good, cold brew for energy.  I have done something everyday since sept 22nd.  Even though it hasn’t been much have noticed some good weight gain.  Some fat some muscle.  Want to get […]
What you Do on NYE will be your Habit for the following Year 12/31/2021
When I was a young boy, my mother would say, "Everything you do on New Year's Eve/Day will become something you will always do for the following year". I don't know if there is any truth to that, but it always made me think of the things I wanted to do throughout the year. I […]
Top 9 Coaching Logs of 2021
Top 9 Coaching Logs of 2021
I pick the best ones you didn’t read, or maybe you did.
The purpose of Dynamic Effort in my Gym 12/30/2021
Dynamic days are useful to teach technique by hammering home ONE item per training session and speed of the movement is done. The moment folks start adding weight to appease their own egos is the moment the purpose of the session is thrown out the window. Dynamic Effort= Technique and Speed! Today's Training: Run: Fartlek […]
My Leg Training for 2022
My Leg Training for 2022
Exercises and methodology for training after a knee injury
Never a Resolution. Always a Goal 12/29/2021
2021 is quickly coming to an end. For the past 40+ years, I have never written a New Year's Resolution, but I've always had at least THREE goals to keep in front of me for the year. For me, I like to have one goal that is Professional, one that is Financial, and the last […]
"Fear makes the wolf bigger than he really is" ~German Proverb Today's Training: Run: Fartlek three miler Bike Commute: 27 mins It was COLD this morning Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Hammer Strength Incline Chest Press: 3x20 Cable Fly: 3x20 DB Supine Tricep Extension: 3x20 Stability Ball Push-ups: 60 reps total Bike Commute: 28 mins. It was […]
Two Things to Make Your Day Better 12/27/2021
Turn off the news Stay off the bathroom scale Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Deadlift: 19x5x65% Reverse Hyper: 4x25x4 plates Ab Crunch: 100 reps
$hit Sport Coaches Say: Episode 4
$hit Sport Coaches Say: Episode 4
"You shoulda seen what I saw at the coaches conference this weekend!"

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