Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Are these sport specific?!?!?
Christmas Eve 12/24/2021
Christmas Eve 12/24/2021
How many times have we heard the most romantic answer on Christmas for "Baby, what do you want for Christmas?" and we hear..."Sweetie, all I want is YOU." NOT ME! I want a 3.5X my bodyweight Squat; 3x my bodyweight Deadlift and Bench. Is that too much to ask for, Santa? Well IS IT? ahahahahaa...Merry […]
The Belt Squat and How to Use It + VIDEO
The Belt Squat and How to Use It + VIDEO
One of the most versatile pieces of equipment in the gym.
Nothing but the TRAINING today... Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time 19:57 is still the day's best so far 3-way shoulders: 4x20 OHP:4x10 Shrugs: 4x10 C/S Row: 4x10 Fat Bar Pull-ups: 35 Dips: 70 Chin-ups: 35 Stability Ball Push-ups: 50
1000 Rep Arm Day 12/22/2021
To the one reading this. I know you're tired, fed up, and close to the breaking point. But there is strength within you! EVEN when you feel weak. You've come WAY too far to give up! KEEP FIGHTING!!! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins 5x20 of the following exercises. You can jump around super setting but […]
Bravery and Guts  12/21/2021
Bravery and Guts 12/21/2021
Let's say you "go for it" and it doesn't work out for ya...Guess what?  You STILL WIN! You had the guts to take on something HEAD ON that once scared you. THAT type of bravery will take you places!   Today's Training: Concept II Row: 10 mins Kettlebell Swing: 8x40 DeadLift: -3 rep max w/ […]
Be Fearless  12/20/2021
Be Fearless 12/20/2021
Once you become fearless, you simultaneously become limitless.   Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins 3-way shoulders: 4x20 Shrug: 3x12 Dynamic Bench: 10x3x50% Incline DB Chest Press: 3x12 C/S Row: 3x12 Tricep Pushdown: 4x12  
Twenty Reasons Why You Art Not Strong
Twenty Reasons Why You Art Not Strong
Do you ever wonder why people are not strong? Well, wonder no more.
Action v. Lip Service 12/17/2021
Action v. Lip Service 12/17/2021
I've come to recognize that Action is who a person IS.  Their words are merely who they want to be. Have backbone instead of the wishbone.  PLEASE...   Today's Training: Kettlebell Swing: 8x40x 1 pood Seated Box Jumps: 10x2 GHR: 40 reps Single leg kettlebell RDL: 10x5 on each leg x 1 pood Bike Commute: […]
Does the Time of Day We Eat Protein Matter?
Does the Time of Day We Eat Protein Matter?
Distribution of dietary protein intake in daily meals influences skeletal muscle hypertrophy via the muscle clock Aoyama et al. 2021 What the Study Says They report that the skeletal muscle hypertrophy is dependent on the dietary protein distribution in mice having two-meals- per-day feeding. They show here that BCAAs are involved in inducing distribution-dependent hypertrophic […]
Old Man Conjugate: New Back Training Variation
Old Man Conjugate: New Back Training Variation
Banded Power Rack Rows with Video
Working hard   12/16/2021
Working hard 12/16/2021
"The harder I work, the luckier I get" ~  Not sure who said that, but I've used it as the industry norm and now claim it.   Today's Training: AirDyne:30 mins 10 mins legs only 10 mins. Arms and Legs 10 mins. Arms only   Concept II Row: 12 mins Floor Press: 3 RM 3 […]
What is it about lifting heavy?  12/15/2021
What is it about lifting heavy? 12/15/2021
There is something about Max Effort days.  It doesn't matter if it's the 6 rep max, the 3 rep max, or the rarely used in my program, the single rep. But every time you need to "man up" to lift a max, there is something inside of us that switches to "ON". Sure, it's a […]
My Detailed Plan For The Start of 2022
My Detailed Plan For The Start of 2022
And spending time at your mom's house
The Training Year: Act 1 - Take Home Winter Training Manuals
The Training Year: Act 1 - Take Home Winter Training Manuals
Take Home Manuals are always fun.  For Fall sports they're starting their new training cycle right now (preparation for next fall).  For anyone involved in collegiate strength and conditioning you know that it's hit or miss if the athletes will actually follow the program.  There are always a few that just follow it to the […]
Nothing but the Conditioning  12/14/2021
Nothing but the Conditioning 12/14/2021
    Today's Training: AirDyne: 5 mins steady 15 x 15/45   Concept II Row: 5 mins steady 15 x 15/45   Ab Wheel: 50 reps
Fueled by ...12/13/2021
Fueled by ...12/13/2021
Today I was fueled by eggs, weights, conditioning, sarcasm, and laughter.   Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins 3-way shoulders: 3x20 Dynamic Effort Bench: 8x3x60% then add a chain to each side for one rep Add TWO chains to each side for one rep Add THREE chains to each side for one rep   Push-ups: 125 […]
Program Hopping
Program Hopping
Have you ever been guilty of program hopping? Is it such a bad thing?
DECEMBER 10th 2021
DECEMBER 10th 2021
December 10th 2021
DECEMBER 9th 2021
DECEMBER 9th 2021
December 9th

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