Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Two Kinds of People  12/10/2021
Two Kinds of People 12/10/2021
There are two kinds of people in the world. There are those who walk into a room and announce "Here I am"... and There are the others that walk into a room and shout, "There you are..."   Which one are you? Which one is a better person?     Today's Training: AirDyne: Sprints- 15x […]
More thoughts on FEAR  12/9/2021
More thoughts on FEAR 12/9/2021
Fear doesn't stop death. Fear stops life.   Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Concept II Row: 5000 meters 3-way Shoulders: 3x20 Push-ups: 125 reps Incline Cable Fly: 4x12 Dips: 125 reps Bench: 8 rep max Fat Bar Pull-ups: 30 reps Chin-ups: 30 reps Bike Commute: 27 mins (a near collision with a big truck, but […]
Quad and Lower Back Blaster: Video
Quad and Lower Back Blaster: Video
Build that Squat and Deadlift
FEAR is not real.   12/8/2921
FEAR is not real. 12/8/2921
Remember...fear is not real.  It is the product of the thoughts you create. Now don't get this wrong,  DANGER is very real, but fear is a choice.   Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Hex Bar Deadlift: Work up to a 3 RM  (beat last week's number) Then do another set of one w/ 10 lbs […]
Things I Learned From This Knee Injury
Things I Learned From This Knee Injury
Tell me I can't do it; I'll prove you wrong--AGAIN
Never let your fear determine your future!   Today's Training: AirDyne: 5 mins steady state 5x 15/45 Legs only 5x 15/45 Arms and Legs 5x 15/45 Arms only   Bike Commute: 26 mins Sprint: 10x 60 yards Pull-ups: 30 reps Dips: 60 reps Chin-ups: 30 reps Push-ups: 60 reps Bike Commute: 28 mins
What a day! I went to bed on Saturday night with a Strongman Sunday plan but I woke up Sunday morning from a dream of me doing a PR Super Yoke with the sled behind me. The most I've done on Super Yoke as far as I can remember is 770 in prep for Masters […]
You Don't Want To Look Back in...12/6/2021
You Don't Want To Look Back in...12/6/2021
You don't want to look back in five years and think, " I could've, would've, should've...been magnificent but I was afraid." In five years you want to tell the story of how fear tried to cheat you out of the best things in life and you didn't let it!   Today's Training: AirDyne Sprints: 5x […]
Friday December 3rd
Friday December 3rd
Training December 3rd
Friday Night Strongman: Weight Releasers and Fingal's Fingers!
Friday Night Strongman: Weight Releasers and Fingal's Fingers!
And Friday was here! This is my normal Log Press day but I've just about sworn off Log Pressing or any overhead pressing because it kills my back and my back is either going to get some rest or it will soon end me. So it became my bench press day again and that has […]
Be Brave and Overcome your FEAR   12/3/2021
Be Brave and Overcome your FEAR 12/3/2021
Let's say you "go for it" and it doesn't work out for ya...Guess what?  You STILL WIN! You had the guts to take on something HEAD ON that once scared you. THAT type of bravery will take you places!   Today's Training: AirDyne: 5 mins stead 5x 15/45 Legs Only 5x 15/45 Arms AND Legs […]
Sleep, Circadian Rhythm and Effort in Exercise
Sleep, Circadian Rhythm and Effort in Exercise
Circadian Effects on Performance and Effort in Collegiate Swimmers Anderson et al. 2018   In this study they looked at the effects of swimming performance and effort of swimming based on the time of day they swam in relation to their circadian phenotype. We have seen in the research that people who are adapted to […]
Stuck In First Gear: Can It All Be Fixed?
Stuck In First Gear: Can It All Be Fixed?
Where have I gone? No updates. No Training Log (after complaining that I don't have a place to put one anymore). No coaching materials. No motivational write up. No funny stories about bench shirts and holiday weight gain bloats. Honestly, really, nothing to speak about from me for a long time now. I'm going to […]
Ask Yourself....12/2/2021
Ask Yourself....12/2/2021
What would you do if you weren't afraid? OK, cool...Now go DO IT!   Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins 3-way shoulders: 3x20 BB Shrug w/ bouncing KB's on the ends: 3x15x225+36's Push-ups: 100 reps in as few sets as possible Cable Fly: 3x15 DB Bench Press:  Work up to an 8 Rep Max Push-ups (yes, […]
Fear v. Strength  12/1/2021
Fear v. Strength 12/1/2021
When something pops up that makes you afraid, trust your strength!   Fear has no idea how strong your strong is.   Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins PNF Stretching: 10 mins Row: 5000 meters Kettlebell Swing: 8x40 AirDyne Sprints: 10x 15/45 Fat Bar Pull-ups: 25 reps Dips: 50 reps Chin-ups: 25 reps Push-ups: 50 reps Concentration […]
Sometimes, "Life" Takes Priority
Sometimes, "Life" Takes Priority
Knowing when to throw your hands up and saying "F*** it."
SHoulder issues? "Let's bench more!!"
What do I like to contrast with squats?
"Why do you squat with your feet so wide...WHAAAAAAA"

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