Training Results and Some Things of Note
We put another semester under our belt. There were some slight adjustments to the program, but in general, it has stayed intact. I'll go over a few of the things that I find important or interesting. 1-Train too light This isn't news to anyone, but I think it bares repeating. There's very little need for […]
Stop Living in FEAR 11/30/2021
I am sure that everyone has heard the acronym about "FEAR". That it stands for F.alse E.vidence A.ppearing R.eal. We have ALL been living for the last couple of years in a constant state of FEAR. I won't go into all the politics nor the sciences as to why, but we have all been […]
"The difference between “average” and “great” 11/29/2021
Every day I send my son a few words of encouragement or wisdom while he's at school 3500 miles away. He's have a rough patch playing hockey at the moment so while this was written for HIM playing in his chosen sport, I think these words transcend to just about anything and everything. "The […]
Sometimes the best experiences in life are the ones you never planned. I'm going to apply that concept to my new "no plan" to my lifting and just train.
All Children...11/12/2921
Remember during extremely stressful times that ALL children spill milk. Learn to smile and wipe it up!!! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins PNF Stretching: 10 mins Hex Bar Deadlift: 3 RM Reverse Hyper: 3x12 45 degree Back Extension: 3x12 4-way shoulders: 3x20
Don't Limit Your Challenges 11/23/2021
Don't limit your challenges, but challenge your limits. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 26 mins Prowler: 12x120 yards x added weight Three-way shoulders: 3x20 Shrugs: 4x10x405 Pull-ups: 20 Chin-ups: 20 DB Supine Tri Extension: 3x12 Cable Pushdowns: 3x12 Concentration Curl: 1x25 Bike Commute: 25 mins
There is no "Old YOU" 11/22/2021
I hear a lot of people saying they want to get back to their "old self" or "old ways". The reality of that is you can't stand in the same river twice. It, like time, keeps moving and there is only a new you that needs to be created and nurtured. Work at improving...DAILY […]
Becoming a MAN. 11/19/2021
Becoming a man isn't reached when you turn a certain age. It's reached when you reach a certain state of mind!!! Today's Training: Run: 5 K Squat Hell: Pyramid the weight doing 10 reps until the then reps become a PRE=8 or 9 Then go back down in the same increments you went up […]
Don't Be Afraid To Take A Week Off
Does the idea of taking a week off completely freak you out? Yeah, me too. Read this.
Another Fun Sunday
So.... Ilya and Lily are both preparing for a strongman contest in Germany in December...a really freaking heavy contest! Doing my best to hang with them on the events and it is about to kill me! It takes me about an extra hour to warm up than it does them. Part of me hates the […]
I have counted quite a few "Cherry Pickers" in my program. I schedule things out on a yearly plan and then narrow it down for most of the people that train with me to fit both their needs and my training expectations monthly. I tend to lock in on the daily training depending on the […]
Life is NOT Fair 11/17/2021
Have you ever asked yourself why life isn't fair? Of course, it's not! That is why you should prepare yourself for MAYHEM! Today's Training: Bike Commute: 26 mins AirDyne: 10 mins Legs only, 10 mins Arms and Legs, 10 mins Arms only Prowler: 15x120 yards Suspended Knees to Elbow: 2x15 Ab Wheel: 2x15 DB […]
Make Your Mistakes in Practice 11/16/2021
Every morning I send my son some words of encouragement as he attends Bishops College in Canada on the east coast. He got back from a week's break on Sunday night and what he tells me had a shitty hockey practice on Monday. If you know my son, he is way harder on himself than […]