Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

I saw a great "Life" quote today.  11/1/2021 (can you believe that?)
I saw a great "Life" quote today. 11/1/2021 (can you believe ...
"Your life is made of two dates and a dash.  Make the most out of the dash."   Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Warm-up. Pull-ups on the fat bar: 7x2 Dips: 7x5 Chin-ups: 7x2 Push-ups: 7x5 D.E. Bench: 8x3x60% Then add 10% and do a four board press for three reps Add another 10% for […]
How To Deal With Burnout/Low Motivation
How To Deal With Burnout/Low Motivation
Forget forcing yourself to train and diet. Each situation is different
Stop Benching like You're Wearing a Bench Shirt  10/29/2021
Stop Benching like You're Wearing a Bench Shirt 10/29/2021
When I teach people how to bench after I show them how to "set up" with all the tightness and visual/verbal cues the next thing on the agenda is the bar path. When we unrack the barbell if you let the bar drift towards your hips you'll feel the tension in the shoulders. Letting it […]
The Best Way to Lose Body Fat
The Best Way to Lose Body Fat
The Snickers and Whiskey diet.
Masculinity isn't Toxic  10/28/2021
Masculinity isn't Toxic 10/28/2021
Just for fun, I choose one person per day to "pick on" regardless of who they are.  Normally I will pick on one of my "training partners" and it starts with the normal "chirping" that made John Gruden resign. No big deal! Yesterday I thought it would be wise to include some of the gals […]
"1000 rep Arm Routine"  10/27/2021
"1000 rep Arm Routine" 10/27/2021
Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins 1000 rep arm routine 5 sets x 20 reps of the following: BB Curl Rope Tri Pushdown DB Curl DB Supine Tri Extension DB Hammer Curl Dips Reverse Grip Curl Tricep Kick Back Single Arm Banded Curl Single Arm Banded Overhead Tri Ext Bike Commute: 39 mins.  The trail was […]
A Few Thoughts on Job/GA Opportunities for Young Coaches - Maybe some th...
I hired 2 new GA's over the summer.  One of them is not good.  The other one was pretty good.  They ended up getting another opportunity that, on paper, they couldn't pass up.  I advised them to take the opportunity and here's why: School, books and stipend (we can only offer school) FBS football (we're […]
Taking Risks  10/26/2021
Taking Risks 10/26/2021
You are either a risk taker or you are not a risk-taker.  No in-between here.   If you DON'T take risks, you'll NEVER win big! Just make sure they are CALCULATED RISKS....   Today's Training: Run: 5K Pull-ups: 6x2 Dips: 6x5 Chin-ups: 6x2 Push-ups: 6x5 Floor Press from 3 board height:  Work up to a […]
"Ka-POW"  That hamstring hasn't sounded like that in YEARS!
"Ka-POW" That hamstring hasn't sounded like that in YEARS!
Every now and again, you can be doing everything right and something will go haywire just to remind you that you aren't a god with divine strengths. I make sure that I'm hydrated and warm prior to making any lifts.  Then as we head into the upper weight categories I make sure we do the […]
My Conjugate Conditioning Dynamic Effort Lower Body Circuit
My Conjugate Conditioning Dynamic Effort Lower Body Circuit
The third installment of my conjugate conditioning program. My fun twist on marrying some conditioning with strength training.
Supercompensation Time Course or Mechanism?
Supercompensation Time Course or Mechanism?
Supercompensation gets touted as this mechanism we should be chasing in order to get the most out of our training. But does it even exist, is it a mechanism or a time course?
I Lost 3 Inches Off My Waist in 8 Weeks
I Lost 3 Inches Off My Waist in 8 Weeks
Without changing even one thing with my diet and while doing ZERO cardio
Just Say "No"  10/22/2021
Just Say "No" 10/22/2021
You MUST learn the skill of being able to say "No"! You don't need to lie or make excuses. You need not over-explain yourself Simply Decline!   Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Pull-ups: 6x2 Dips: 6x5 Chin-ups: 6x2 Push-ups: 6x5 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 w/ chains C/S Row: 4x10 Tricep Push Down: 4x12 DB LR: 4x6x […]
So You Want to Be a Strongman?-VIDEO LOG
So You Want to Be a Strongman?-VIDEO LOG
Tips and advice to save you time and frustration. PLUS A FREE TRAINING PROGRAM!
If  You Can Safely Take a Shower  10/21/02021
If You Can Safely Take a Shower 10/21/02021
I've more times than not commuted to my gym (no matter where it was) from my house via bicycle or run.  It never mattered what the weather is like either. My ONLY issue is when I see it pouring rain or snowing like the "blizzard of '78", leaving the front door is a bit harder.  […]
3 Ways to Destroy Your Training
3 Ways to Destroy Your Training
In this video, I talk about three ways to destroy your training.
10/20/2021  "As a Man Thinks..."
10/20/2021 "As a Man Thinks..."
The Bible (Proverbs 23:7) tells us that as a man "thinketh in his heart, so is he." Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD) concluded, "We become what we think about. So if you think you're fat, out of shape, and weak, you probably are! It all starts with a change in your thought process! Get […]
Just the Program Today 10/19/2021
Just the Program Today 10/19/2021
No words of wisdom, nor coaching points today... Just the training and only the training.   Today's Training:   AirDyne: 30 mins Heavy Duty SMR Pull-ups/Chin-Ups: 5x2 Dips/Push-ups: 5x5 Ab Wheel: 2x18 Windshield Wipers: 3x10 Floor Press: Work up to a HEAVY three reps, then take three singles going up a little bit in each […]
Is Muscle Damage Good or Bad?
Is Muscle Damage Good or Bad?
Breaking down a different way of looking at muscle damage.
How are You Living?  10/18/2021
How are You Living? 10/18/2021
"If you are depressed you are living in the past.  If you are anxious you are living in the future.  If you are at peace you are living in the present." ~ Lao Tzu   Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Pull-ups/Chin-ups/Dips: 5x2/5x2/5x4 Ab Wheel: 2x18 Windshield Wipers: 2x18 Good Mornings: Work up to a heavy […]

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