Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

You Choose
You Choose
Abe Lincoln has it right!
Nothing But the Programming
Nothing But the Programming
Today's Training: AirDyne: Not sure how long because the batteries wore out. was around the same time because I get through three commercial breaks and a bit more of old reruns of "NCIS". Bike Commute: 30 minutes and there ARE crickets along the route Lat Pulldown: 4x12 DB Row: 4x12 Chin-Ups: 10x2 BB Curl: […]
Train While You Still Can
Train While You Still Can
One day you won't be able to...
Golden Rule #1
Golden Rule #1
This picture is from a decade ago, but it's a perfect example of Golden Rule #1
Just a Little Patience
Just a Little Patience
We all have our flaws; one of mine is a lack of patience. In fact, I admit to passing this gene to my kids because they have zero patience, as well. I do not like to wait for anything, and injuries are at the top of that list. Longevity With the exception of some reoccurring […]
Rule #67
It has to be my most repeated rule of the 100 that I have written in these archives. Rule #67 states and without confusion..."No Complaining". Don't get this twisted. Feedback is one thing, but bitching is an entirely different beast and I simply have no time for it. It would be one thing if I […]
Love your Life
Love your Life
Don't waste it
You are what you do, not what you say you'll do!
You are what you do, not what you say you'll do!
The other night for some wild hair reason I slept face down. I'm not talking about a pronated body either. I mean straight nose planted into the pillow, sheet lines on the grill the next morning face down! The issue I have with it, it "jacked up" my neck so bad that I couldn't rotate […]
The Secret of Change
The Secret of Change
by my old College roommate, Socrates
Going Back to the Darkside! Leaving 5/3/1 for Conjugate
Going Back to the Darkside! Leaving 5/3/1 for Conjugate
I'm taking a break from 5/3/1 and am returning to my roots of conjugate
WATCH: Ben & Taylor Train an Olympian
WATCH: Ben & Taylor Train an Olympian
Video of a full powerbuilding training session.
Summer Football - Cycle 3
Summer Football - Cycle 3
Summer Football - Cycle 3 (Final Training Cycle of the Summer). SOme thoughts and observations of what I've seen over the last 7 weeks.
A Short Gun Story
A Short Gun Story
A guy walked into a crowed bar waving his unholstered pistol and yelled, " I have a 45 caliber Colt 1911 with a seven round magazine plus one in the chamber. I want to know who's been sleeping with my wife?" A voice from the back of the room called out, "You're going to need […]
Weight Loss Tips from Two Guys Who Lost 100 Pounds Each
Weight Loss Tips from Two Guys Who Lost 100 Pounds Each
Check out this interview with Vincent Dizenzo
You are Your Choices
You are Your Choices
What you say doesn't matter as much as what you do. Everyday is full of surprises. Today was no different. I have always maintained "under sell and over deliver" on the services I render. Give more than what other expect and they will not only be surprised, but get to know you for it. My […]
Training is a Lot like a Road Trip
Training is a Lot like a Road Trip
For me at least, the greatest part of a road trip isn't about arriving at my destination. It's all the wild stuff that happens along the way!!! I know that I will NEVER be satisfied with my training nor my coaching. But the stories and the small successes and failures have made it so far […]
Life has no Remote Control
Life has no Remote Control
you have to get up and change it yourself.

Items 1421 to 1440 of 10198 total