You Are What You Do Not what you say you'll do!
I get a lot of promises and lip service of what people DREAM of themselves doing, a year from now, a month from now, a week from now, tomorrow. I will always listen to what they say they want to do knowing full well 20% will actually do 20% of what they SAID. Do you […]
How Did the Fight Start?
I was riding my bike this morning when a guy passes me on the left and then makes a right turn into the parking lot when "WHAM~" I hit his right rear quarter panel. The driver got out ever so slowly to see what damage was done. You know when sometimes you get so stressed […]
Three Things Done Daily in my House
I surely hope that when you read my Coaching Log that you aren't disappointed with times that I don't address only Strength and Conditioning. I also wish that you pick up some of my wild far fetched ideas that can become useful to YOU. I am certainly glad that The Tates allow my ramblings and […]
Nothing But the Programming
Today's Training: AirDyne: Not sure how long because the batteries wore out. was around the same time because I get through three commercial breaks and a bit more of old reruns of "NCIS". Bike Commute: 30 minutes and there ARE crickets along the route Lat Pulldown: 4x12 DB Row: 4x12 Chin-Ups: 10x2 BB Curl: […]
Just a Little Patience
We all have our flaws; one of mine is a lack of patience. In fact, I admit to passing this gene to my kids because they have zero patience, as well. I do not like to wait for anything, and injuries are at the top of that list. Longevity With the exception of some reoccurring […]
Rule #67
It has to be my most repeated rule of the 100 that I have written in these archives. Rule #67 states and without confusion..."No Complaining". Don't get this twisted. Feedback is one thing, but bitching is an entirely different beast and I simply have no time for it. It would be one thing if I […]
You are what you do, not what you say you'll do!
The other night for some wild hair reason I slept face down. I'm not talking about a pronated body either. I mean straight nose planted into the pillow, sheet lines on the grill the next morning face down! The issue I have with it, it "jacked up" my neck so bad that I couldn't rotate […]
Going Back to the Darkside! Leaving 5/3/1 for Conjugate
I'm taking a break from 5/3/1 and am returning to my roots of conjugate
Summer Football - Cycle 3
Summer Football - Cycle 3 (Final Training Cycle of the Summer). SOme thoughts and observations of what I've seen over the last 7 weeks.
A Short Gun Story
A guy walked into a crowed bar waving his unholstered pistol and yelled, " I have a 45 caliber Colt 1911 with a seven round magazine plus one in the chamber. I want to know who's been sleeping with my wife?" A voice from the back of the room called out, "You're going to need […]