Remove The Crap From Your Diet
I mentioned to a psychologist friend of mine that she needed to remove everything that makes her weak, including her weak thoughts that keep her from achieving her goal. After she lamented on why she had missed her lifts, I realized that she had too many things polluting her wheel house. Can't have that!!! The […]
Are you Committed to Being Better Than Yesterday?
I never expect PR's every time while working out. As a matter of fact, PR's should be saved for actual competition whether it be on the platform, field, court or ice. I believe you only get so many personal records in your life, so don't waste them. What I do ask of people is to […]
Congratulations to Orlando Barbell’s Jon Burnham!
I'm still trying to figure out this new WordPress format, so I'm way behind on my posting. On May 31st at the APF Showdown at the Storm Orlando Barbell's Jon Burnham had just about the best day possible on the platform. He went 9 for 9, got 3 huge PRs going 678-480-683 for an 1841 […]
No One Ever Drowned in Sweat
I have always been a huge advocate of the Conditioning part of "Strength and Conditioning". Don't get me wrong, being stronger than your average bear and being able to tear the ass end off a charging Rhinoceros is a lot of fun too, but taking a resting heart rate of 48 beats per minute has […]
God Doesn't Use a Cookie Cutter
"He knows every hair on your head" is a passage in the Bible. For the record, I am not a Bible Thumper, but I did make a promise to my creator and told him "when you get me through this trial/tribulation, I promise to give you FULL fucking credit for everything good that happens in […]
If You Want to Grow...You Have to Push your Limits!
Now I'm not saying every time you enter the gym do you need to go Ape Shit. Monkey shit will do a lot of the time. But every now and again, you have to strap a pair on and say what I think will be my last thing to say before expiring from earth..."Fuck it!" […]
Control what you can, don’t worry about the rest.
Tons of good advice for those who worry about things they cannot control.
You Don't Wake Up to be Mediocre
When I wake up in the morning I don't say, "well here's another day...ho hum"...NO! I wake up with high expectations of what is possible. Not only for me, but for those that are associated with me in some capacity. Today we needed to squat moderate intensity and moderate volume, so we start like any […]
I Looked at My Naked Body and Thought...I'm getting thrown Out of I...
I'm getting thrown out of Ikea at any minute now
Summer Training Progression
Training Cycle Progression for the summer. I'm not breaking new ground. Just taking an idea and manipulating it.
Some great positive feedback on my product: The Powerloop
Yes, I admit that I often post about my products, but I wouldn’t have gone through the effort of research and development if they weren’t something that I believe in that I felt could benefit lifters. @junny_win sent me this message on IG: . “Hey Brian and team! I purchased the powerloop lvl 1 and […]