9.21.2024. And Then Again, Sometimes You Just Shut Your Mouth and SQUAT!
I have joked that "squats fix everything", and the more I say that the more it becomes true. Feeling good? Squat Feel like garbage? Squat Lost your job? Squat Wife is going to have a baby? Squat Whatever is going on in your life...Just shut your mouth and squat! Today was no different. I have […]
After three shitty nights of sleep, I woke up tired yet again. So I decided not to ride my bike to work today and get the added rest. Possibly THE hardest thing for me to do is take time off and walk away from any normal activity. I am so trained and disciplined in my […]
9.19.2024 I Don't Care How Much You Curl
I have everyone in the program keeping a journal of their training. I do it so they can see the actual progression of our four big lifts. When we do accessory work, I do not favor maintaining the biggest numbers for those exercises. Yes, we keep them, but they don't have to improve drastically from […]
9.18.2024 The Thing On My Foot Looks Like Mt. Fuji
I have a nifty growth on the top side of my foot. Looks like a Ganglion Cyst, but a BIG one. Its size puts pressure on the nerve next to it, causing my big toe to tingle and sometimes feel like a sock has curled up under it. Anyway, I'm having surgery on it in […]
9.17.2024 Just The Training
I'm not feeling very insightful today, so here's today's package. Get 'em. Today's Training: Cycle Daily Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Dynamic OHP: 10x3 Stability Ball Push-up: 5x10 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 Shrug: 4x12 C/S Rear Trap Shrug: 4x12 Dead Hangs: 35 seconds using the Fat Gripz today. Not too many people made this one. Cycle
9.16.2024 Life Gets Hard...
Life is going to get hard sometimes. So get the fuck up and get your shit together. You're either an ocean or a puddle. People walk through puddles like they're nothing. Oceans fucking destroy cities. Today's Training: Cycle Front Plank: 2x35 sec 3" Plank: 2x35 sec Push-up: 2x10 Jump Squat: 2x10 GHR: 5x12 Max Effort […]
531 Mashup Peaking Block
This is the peaking block that goes with my 531 Mashup training program. Time to go for some maxes.
9.13.2024 Weight Room Etiquette or Don't Be a Dick
I give everyone the benefit of the doubt about "things" in general. If a person does something wrong and they have no idea about it because they were never taught, then that person is IGNORANT. Not a problem. You don't know what you don't know. However, if you continue to do it incorrectly after being […]
9.12.2024 How Bad Do You Want It?
Many people think they want things but don’t have the strength or discipline. THEY ARE WEAK, not only of the body but of the mind and will. You get what you want if you want it badly enough. Today's Training: Cycle GHR: 5x10 vs. mini band Dynamic Squat: 10x2x wt + Chains Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1xwt […]
9.11.2024 I Remember...
“If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.” —Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl, in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in 2002 Today's Training: Cycle Lat Pulldown: 4x10 Low Cable Row: 4x10 DB Row: 4x6 so go heavy Chin-up: 10x what you […]
9.10.2024 Your Comfortable Life
You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft, that you will die without ever realizing your true capabilities. Beware of falling into the trap of complacency and comfort, EVERY DAY you have to do something that SUCKS! Today's Training: Cycle Push-ups / Pull-a-part: 5x10 DB Incline Fly / DB Lateral Raise: […]
9.9.2024 It Isn't About the Appearance As Much As It Is The Longev...
I read this on my social media page, posted by a friend who is working her ass off. What she says struck a chord with me and I thought it worthy of a reprint... "Your appearance is not what people should see when they glance at you. It's your spirit and soul, but unfortunately, unless […]
Should You Do Less Recovery Work On A Challenging Week?
Doing less recovery work during your hardest training block sounds counterintuitive doesn't it?
9.6.2024. Just 5% More
I often hear, "I can do a LOT more, Coach", which speaks volumes about the participant. However, I don't necessarily want you to do a LOT MORE when we max. I don't have many competitive Powerlifters in my program anymore, but I do have other sport athletes. I use a lot of Powerlifting exercises that […]
9.5.2024 This Workout Will Put You To Sleep.
The key to this session is to maintain correct exercise posture while escalating the weight to the point that it almost fails. WHAT? Yes, keep going up in weight until the technique and body posture are compromised. This might be below the normal weight you use for "dynamic day," but that's okay. Maintain proper posture […]
9.4.2024 If You Are Not Willing To Learn, and Practice, No One Can He...
If you are not willing to learn, and practice, no one can help you. However! If you understand what is being taught and put into practice, NO ONE can stop you!!! Today's Training: Cycle: Commute As a "Giant Set" the following exercises (grouped in three) 4x12 1 Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 2. Tricep Rope Pushdown […]