Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

10.3.2024  What is "Lightweight"?
10.3.2024 What is "Lightweight"?
Ronnie Coleman, the bodybuilding Bazillion time winner of the Mr. Olympia contest can be heard yelling in the weight room, "Yea, BUDDY!" "Lightweight, baby...yea up, Lightweight!!" Understanding that Ronnie Coleman lifted everything BUT lightweight! Massive weight equals massive muscle, which got me thinking, "What is considered LIGHTWEIGHT?" I could come up with nothing other than […]
Self-Care Sunday 8/25/24
Self-Care Sunday 8/25/24
Sundays are full rest days or Self-Care Sundays as I have dubbed them. If you burn the training candle on both ends these are nice.
8.30.2024  Nothing But Today's Training Session...
8.30.2024 Nothing But Today's Training Session...
Today's Training: Cycle: Commute 2x10 of the following: Incline DB Fly super set with Push-ups: 4x10 Incline DB Press super set with Push-ups: 4x10 Cable Crossover super set with Push-ups: 4x10 DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x12 DB Hammer Curl: 4x10 Single Arm DB Kick Back: 4x12 BB Curl: 4x10 Cycle: Commute
8.29.2024  Whining Is For The Weak
8.29.2024 Whining Is For The Weak
I knew last December when I planned out the final week in August that this particular day would bring quite a few breeches of Rule #67. It did not disappoint. I could only imagine the amount of CHEESE that would go well with the amount of whining I heard. And to IS "Throat Punch […]
8.28.2024  Don’t Expect To Be Motivated Every Day
8.28.2024 Don’t Expect To Be Motivated Every Day
Don’t expect to be motivated every day. You won’t be. Motivation will get you started, but DISCIPLINE will get you to the finish. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute KB Ladder: 1-20 Lat Pulldown (Medium width grip): 4x12 Low Cable Row: 4x12 High Cable Row (Much like face pulls only on a cable machine): 4x12 Chin-ups: 10x […]
8.27.2024  Someone Needs To Read THIS...
8.27.2024 Someone Needs To Read THIS...
You need to stop procrastinating and get what you've needed to do done already. I don't know who that is for, but someone who reads my stuff needs a boot in the rear end. Today's TrainingCycle: Commute 2x10 of the following: Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Push-ups: 100 and they better be good ones. Chest to the […]
Saturday 8/24/24 Conditioning
Saturday 8/24/24 Conditioning
Conditioning work and ​how I keep getting deeper into the root of my sciatica/hip issue
8.26.2024.  Super Legs to Start the Week (and not for the weak)
8.26.2024. Super Legs to Start the Week (and not for the weak)
"With the courage to begin and the discipline to endure, victory becomes a matter of time." Today's Training: Run: Sprint: 5x100 yds after warm-up Cycle: Commute Ab Wheel: 3x12 Side Bend with a Kettle Bell: 3x15 (go pretty heavy) GHR: 5x10 5 sets of 20 reps of the following in THIS ORDER:
Dizenzo's 5/3/1 Mashup
Dizenzo's 5/3/1 Mashup
I have had a run on awesome training in 2024. I feel this a great 5/3/1 program for older lifters or athletes who have to mind their recovery and manage fatigue.
Friday 8/23/24 Gap Day Training
Friday 8/23/24 Gap Day Training
Gap/Assistance Day. My rules for this day are, no big barbell movements.Train push, pull, core, legs with as many or as few exercises as I want.
Thursday 8/22/24 Conditioning
Thursday 8/22/24 Conditioning
This may bore you. However, it shows nothing extraordinary. Just consistency and will.
8.23.2024  The Dinner Table Conversation That Made The Difference
8.23.2024 The Dinner Table Conversation That Made The Difference
Growing up in the Selkow house many rules needed to be adhered to. The standard ones that I'm sure everyone had, like listening to your mom and dad, being home at curfew, doing 100 push-ups, running a mile then praying before dinner. You know, the usual things every parent makes their kids do. However we […]
8.22.2024  Weight Lifting Builds Courage
8.22.2024 Weight Lifting Builds Courage
Today we beat the crap out of our nervous system by doing dynamic work. I remind people weekly that it's not about the weight as much as the SPEED. I can also coach technique better these days because the weight is lighter and the small adjustments and bad habits can be addressed. So how does […]
The Return Of My Training Log
The Return Of My Training Log
Now that I'm retired I have a little more time on my hands. SWEET! On top of my weekly article/blog, I'm going to start keeping a regular training log.
8.21.2024  A Thought About Potential
8.21.2024 A Thought About Potential
I have a solid opinion when someone talks of another's "potential". To me, potential is un-used talent. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute KB Ladder: 1-20 Cable Crossover: 4x15 Dynamic Bench: 12x3 Push-ups: 100 PERFECT push-ups. Chest to the floor and then full lockout at the top. Suppose any are done incorrectly the entire workout re-starts from […]
8.20.2024  How To Get F.I.T. Variables
8.20.2024 How To Get F.I.T. Variables
Yes F.I.T. is an acronym for my formula when planning an exercise program. F= Frequency or training bouts per week I= Intensity or how hard or heavy each exercise or the session is going to be T= Total time of that exercise session or exercise chosen If the frequency is 4-7 exercise bouts then the […]
8.19.2024  Be Weary When There Aren't a Lot Of Exercises Listed
8.19.2024 Be Weary When There Aren't a Lot Of Exercises Listed
Back in my undergraduate youth, I had a training partner who would write up my daily program and I would do his. Whenever I would take but a minute to write his in its entirety, he would give me a look of "aww shit nah" because he knew those limited exercises were going to be […]
Mobility Snacks
Mobility Snacks
Mobility, a lot of a little goes a long way.
8.16.2024  "I Choose"
8.16.2024 "I Choose"
"To live by choice, not by chance. To be motivated, not, manipulated. To be useful, not used. To make changes, not excuses. To excel, not compete. I choose self-esteem, not self-pity. I choose to listen to my inner voice, not the random opinions of others. I CHOOSE TO BE ME." Today's Training: Cycle: Commute 4-way […]

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