An update on my longtime client and friend Leslie Kutner
She is a living testimony to the effectiveness my training method.
My Powerbuilding Method: Designing A Split
In Part 1 of this series, I discussed my approach to volume, and how I use autoregulation to ensure that I’m doing the appropriate amount of work each training session to meet my goals. In this second installment, I’ll explain how I set up my training micro- and mesocycles. Okay, before we jump into the […]
Autoregulation: Not Just for Weights
How to autoregulate movements to work around minor aches and pains.
We have been experimenting with super slow training on Flex Friday aka Arm Day. The feel is much deeper than the normal pump burn and it's just plain ole different which makes it fun. If you try it, be warned that it takes a tremendous amount concentration and focus...which is also really cool. (or at […]