Exercise and thyroid function (part 1) - inactivity and thyroid function
The key here seems to be how to figure out what is the optimal and the minimal chronic exercise level, type and frequency to maintain thyroid function.
Operation Be Less Fat - The Key to Successful Snacking
You don't have to give up snacking while losing fat. You just can't be stupid about it.
Breathing Drills to Fix Dysfunction
Improper breathing mechanism can lead to hip and shoulder dysfunction, it's an easy fix that can be done with a breathe work practice.
Nordic Hamstring Exercise, a basic item in injury prevention
In several sports, neglecting hamstring and glute strength leads to imbalance-associated injuries. It's a great idea to include the NHE in any program.
Yes, there is a limit to strength
Denialism is not only unhealthy but dangerous. Adults should be comfortable with the idea that humans don't get to choose their facts. Facts are facts, like it or not.