Is it me or do I think a bit differently?
I have always found Gary Larsen's "Far Side" and Monty Python HILARIOUS!
I think it was my mom...(she had a warped sense of humor) but there are things that pop into my head that make me laugh out loud for no particular reason.
For example I was just sitting here when the thought of ordering a pizza then acting confused when it arrives. “A delivery for Harry? Harry is DEAD. He DIED ordering a pizza in this house 10 years ago!" To me is ef'n funny!
It was eerily quiet in the gym today. MUST be the last week of summer vacation before school opens next week.
I was in at 0430 and home by 1000. Done as in D.U.N. DONE!
We trained accessory back and back only
DB Rows: 4x10
Single Arm Cable Pulldown: 4x8
DB Pullover: 4x12
Rack Scraping Row: 3x6
Sprints: 5x100 yards