D.E. Bench: 12x3x50%
DB Row: 6x8
Fly: 3x15
Shoulder Crank: 4x15
C/S Rear Delt Raise: 4x20
I finally stuck a plate on my bench.
Incline Bench/Flat Bench super set for 8 sets of 8 reps as fast as I could get it done.
Cable Fly: 8x8x40
Push up Pyramid with two other training partners.
The key is NOT to move your hands once you begin.
I would do 1 push up. The next guy would do 1, then the third guy would do one. Immediately I would do 2 push ups. The next would do 2 and then the third would do 2. I then did 3 and so on.
Once we reached 10 push ups, we started back DOWN to ONE.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,=110 push ups in about 4 minutes.
Kettle Bell 3 bounce shrugs: 4x12x56
Shoulder Crank: 4x6x15
Face Pulls: 4x12x70