Not gonna lie, this hasn't been the ideal last month leading up to a big meet.
During my last shirt workout, where I tore my Jack shirt, I also fucked up my pec a bit, and it hasn't felt right in a few weeks. There's some lasting soreness and deformity (my pecs are already pretty deformed from being mashed into bench shirts for 20 years, but this is worse). I'm able to train around it at this point, so I'm hoping to be ready to go in a few weeks, but we'll see.
Adding on to the pre-meet stress, I also picked up the flu from my son last week and was out of commission from about Thursday to Monday. It wasn't a particularly bad flu, but any distraction a month out from a meet is kind of a big deal.
Right now I'm feeling pretty good, and starting to think i've still got a shot at showing up strong. The tough part is that all they distractions cut right into my deload, so I'm not really sure how to regulate my training load from here on in. I do feel the need to make up some training from when I was laid up, but i can't push all that hard this late in the cycle.
Flying by the seat of my pants once again.