I'm pretty sure people need to be on the most sexy of diets and training programs or else they have the best excuse NOT to do something. The "yea but" is perfect.
"That diet works great, yea but not for me"
"That training is pretty good, yea but, I tried and it's not as great as..."
The latest craze I heard was the "skip breakfast and lose weight diet" Some mumble about how you don't need to eat using the "INTERMITTENT FASTING" approach.
NEWS FLASH!!! (in a whisper) you do realize it's nothing more than calorie restriction....AGAIN??? Right??? I mean, it's in the title...FASTING!!!
So we had some fun with that one today. My training partner, Al asked me if we should make popular "Intermittent Eating"! (fucking guy is a genius)
So folks...starting today, you can eat all you want as long as you take breaks from it. Oh yea, and you can only eat as much as a fist full each time of the super secret foods like Meat, Chicken, and Fish. On this diet you can eat fruits and vegetables too. Just have enough to satisfy your hunger and don't FILL or feel FULL!
The success also depends on you drinking PLENTY of water! Make sure you pay for the most expensive water you can find though. Brain water might be the best on the market though.
For $59.95 paid in three easy installments, Al will call you up to see how you're doing. He will say phrases to keep you motivated like, "easy does it, Wide Body", or "STOP not eating, and reduce your waistline, fatty".
Act now as there are only THREE SPOTS LEFT....(Mike Szudarek reference)
So to be clear...
You need to train properly. Reading stuff here on EliteFTS has you doing that (I hope)
Rest enough to let your body heal from the training
Condition so your engine can keep going
EAT but not like a freak'n pig, but to fuel your system
Get off the internet and be a productive person again
Today's Training:
Sumo AND Conventional Deadlift
Reverse Hyper
Back Extensions