My friend Linda sent this to me and it resonated within.
“People with great passion can make the impossible happen.” ---Linda Pinter.
I get to witness on almost a daily basis people do great and beautiful things physically because of their "Passion" to succeed at a goal.
I've said, Success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile goal and those goals are much more easily reached with a great passion for succeeding.
Again, it is NOT motivation but the discipline and the passion put forth into obtaining the goal that makes it realizable.
Motivation comes and goes. Discipline and Passion are non-negotiable.
Today's Training
*Run: Sprints; 16x50 yards
*Cycle: Commute; 29 mins. I had an altercation at the train station that I cut through. Not a big deal but a couple of little guys needed to be reminded about the game of Bocci. "Don't be a polino". For those that are aclueistic (don't bother looking that word up. I made it up meaning "without a clue") a polino is a little ball rolled out to be later hit by a big ball.
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
-Then at the same weight do one set for as many reps as possible.
-Using a "Blue" Sling-Shot and the same weight do a second set of as many reps as possible
-Using a "Red" Sling-Shot and the same weight do a third set of as many reps as possible
DB Fly: 4x12
Push-ups: 5x12
Cable Tricep Push-down:4x15
Kettle Bell Supine Tricep Extension: 4x12
*Cycle: Commute; 33 mins; I took the long route home.