Every single time I take on a new endeavor in life, I become addicted to whatever gear that I MUST HAVE to be awesome at that endeavor. I've done everything from Martial Arts, Bodybuilding, Power Building, Strongman, Powerlifting, Weightlifting, Kayaking, Snorkeling, and now...GUITAR!
I went out and got lucky buying a used guitar that was way better than what I was hoping it was. I came home with a 3 watt 4" speaker and it didn't take me long to realize that I was really inhibited by my sound because my 4" speaker was just not cutting it. Not long after, I was laying down a down payment on a 120 watte 2 x 12 cabinet that I could perform live with. How loud is it? I'm yet to have it over 4 (out of 10) when playing and it shakes the floor and walls in my concrete house. Yes, it is over kill and possibly too much amp for me to get the best sound out of. A guitar amp is meant to be played on MAX VOLUME all the time. It is supposed to be fully distorted to sound like rock and roll. I had no idea.
So I popped into a FENDER store this past week and saw some absolutely beautiful guitars and amps that just blew my mind. Instantly I fell in love and came home thinking I JUST HAVE TO HAVE ONE OF THESE! Maybe two or three. Don't forget that Stevie Ray Vaughan had several amps and ran them all at pain level loud every single note. Actually so loud that most people complained when he performed. Eric Clapton got (and gets) similar complaints because he runs his amps on full blast all the time.
I came home and told my wife about what I'd possibly pick up in the next 2 or years if I upgrade. I then asked her to listen to me play for a few minutes so I could show her how limited I was by the equipment that I had. After all of my explaining and the 20 minutes of details I laid out on the table that CLEARLY showed how much I need better gear...she said "I can't tell the difference between any of it. It all sounds the same to me and it all sounds good, except for that note that you missed."
That, my friends, was an eye opener. I'm performing for a specific set of people and right now that is my wife and two sons (and probably my neighbors who can feel it when I play). You know what? None of those people who know the difference if I switch from an ORANGE 120 watt solid state 2 x 12 to a Fender Bassbreaker 45 Watt Tube Amp that is beautiful (and would match our furniture much better as well)...except myself. Sometimes that simply IS enough, and it just might be right now.
Don't forget who your audience is, no matter if you are playing guitar or getting under the squat bar. Sometimes it simply is better to KNOW HOW TO USE THE GEAR THAT YOU HAVE than it is to have better gear.
But I will still dream.