Recent comps:
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to powerlifting meet prep for May. Possible physique show late summer while we transition back to high volume and more mass again... #creatingamonster.
After a few days off last week after the meet, I did some light blood flow workouts on Wednesday and Thursday. Then Saturday was full on back to it. My email read, "Phase 1, Creating a Monster Part 2".
Well, if that doesn't sum up what's about to come. Part 1 was last year's training post show to put on some size. So the next 6-7 weeks will be Part 2. These 6-7 weeks constitute Phase 1... Phase 2 will lead into show prep, which will have some more pretty cool, crazy and fun stuff.
Here's week 1 of this block... volume kicked up fast and my body was like whoa!
Saturday - Shoulders
This was a great day. Felt good to get a good pump, but I can definitely tell my body is not used to the volume (been like 8 weeks since we've done this much). Fatigue set in fast.
A. DB shoulder press 5x12
B. Plate loaded shoulder press 4x8 drop set
C1. Rope high pulls 4x12
C2. Standing laterals 4x8, rest pause
D. Decline DB tricep extensions 4x12
E. Rope pushdowns 4x15
Squats felt great today. Really just taking the time to do things right. Just like I did last year. As always, even though I'm working toward a show, I'm always still going to improve my lifts.
A. SSB Squat 6x4 RPE6
B. Leg press 5x20
C1. Pulsed lunges no load 4x20 ea
C2. Leg extensions 4x15 drop set
D1. Single leg hamstring curls 4x12
D2. Stiff DB deadlifts 4x8
E. Hack squat narrow stance piston 2x15
F. Abs 5mins
A. Lat pull downs 5x10
B1. Pull-ups 4x3
B2. Straight arm rope pulldowns 4x20
C1. Chest supported DB rows 4x8
C2. Chest supported shrugs 4x12
D. Rear pec deck 4x12
E1. Straight bar pushdowns 5x10
E2. Straight bar curls 5x10
A. Standing BB shoulder press 5x20-15-10-15-20
B. Seated laterals heavy 4x20
C1. Cable laterals 3x12
C2. Cable front raise 3x12
D. Machine stack shoulder press 4x15
E. Skull crushers 6x10 rest pause last two
F. Seated shoulder press DB 2x25
Been a crazy few days, but got in a quick session.
A. Banded rows x100
B. Neutral pulldowns 5x6/6/6 at varied grips
C. DB Rows, heavy
D. Curls, varied positions
E. Zottman curls
Overall, great first week. Gotta keep my head in the game. Kids' last day of school is Wednesday (I know, I know... don't even get me started), lots of other stuff going down as well as projects and things that keep getting pushed aside. I gotta dig down and keep moving forward. Some pretty cool things, in my opinion.
Keep following along this #creatingamonster phase. Lots of cool ideas from @pumpsp (Scott Paltos).
you're looking at it. :) Haha. Other than work capacity in some of the workouts, I'm not doing much conditioning. My body fat levels are holding steady so I'll add in the cardio/conditioning when prep actually starts. I do walk the dog every day for about 20 minutes (sometimes twice), but that's it. Nothing major. Least effective dose. ;)