Relentless Minnesota, despite some of the trials, had an awesome result in the end. A PR squat at 123, a PR deadlift at 123 and an all-time PR total of 1122! Now, I am moving on to Physique prep training and dieting. First show is Junior Nationals June 12 & 13. These 10 weeks will continue to focus on my weak points (shoulders, quads and some more separated hamstrings) as well as groove my raw bench work a bit. Amit Sapir is doing my diet and nutritional needs this year. Training details will be laid out as we go. If you have any questions regarding diet, training, programming, and more, just send me a question!
Training has been going great. Last week hit legs, then chest/shoulder, arms, deads & back, 2nd leg day and shoulders.
Loving the training. It's always good to push myself in different ways. Training alone has been good too. Sure, there are times it would be nice to have someone to train with, but it allows me some quiet time (when I'm not being asked a million times... "hey, you look really good, do you compete in something?")
Diet is going to start being pushed... and cardio too. Amit says the next 3-4 weeks are crucial for fat loss. He's been keeping an eye on the girls who have been stepping on stage the past few weeks and they are all coming in pretty hard. Size seems to be there, but conditioning and leanness will be a huge factor for me.
Been practicing posing usually twice a day. It may only be 10 minutes at a time, but every little bit helps. The weeks are a little less stressful, but it's definitely still there. So... one day at a time, lots of deep breaths and finding the good in little moments.
It doesn't help that when the diet gets tough, I get b*$!@y. And moody. So if you come in contact with me, usually mid day between the hours of 3 and 7pm, well, ya might just want to go somewhere else. Not an excuse and I do my best to keep my moods tame and not get emotional.
Now, I just need some good music for my posing routine. Gonna switch it up this year!
6 weeks out