Relentless Minnesota, despite some of the trials, had an awesome result in the end. A PR squat at 123, a PR deadlift at 123 and an all-time PR total of 1122! Now, I am moving on to Physique prep training and dieting. First show is Junior Nationals June 12 & 13. These 10 weeks will continue to focus on my weak points (shoulders, quads and some more separated hamstrings) as well as groove my raw bench work a bit. Amit Sapir is doing my diet and nutritional needs this year. Training details will be laid out as we go. If you have any questions regarding diet, training, programming, and more, just send me a question!
Wednesday, or as I like to call it "Wonder Woman Wednesday." If you follow me on Instagram (which you should... cuz why wouldn't you) then you'll see that recurring theme quite often. Happened to be some arm work as well. Stress was down a little bit today, so that was good.
So as you know, I've been sneaking over to a local commercial gym. Remember the story from Saturday?? Overly talkative guy? I'm going to call him GEORGE from here on out. (Not his real name... I mean, cuz if I gave his real name, someone might head over there and kick his ass... and we don't want that just yet. ) Yeah, him again. So I'm there, at the end of the dumbbell rack minding my own business, warming up with some light curls. Out of the corner of my eye (mind you, my head is down and I'm totally focused), I see someone walking over. He comes up to me, MID-REP, and squeezes my bicep and says "wow."
Kid you not.
I didn't flinch, but rather finished my set until he walked away. Perhaps he got my non-responsive hint that I didn't want to be bothered. I continue on doing a few more exercises. As I'm doing some pushdowns, he comes up to me and says, "I know what I'm doing wrong."
Yeah, you're talking to me instead of working out.
He says, "I watch you and I see you really take your time. Like you go really slow. I think I need to do that."
Yeah, it's called focusing on the contraction and not worrying about how much weight you're using.
I told him that politely as I continued on with my set.
"So... when do you do bench next? I want to see you do bench?"
"Well, I benched yesterday at my other gym, so I probably won't bench for another week."
"Oh, ok.... so like how much can you do on bench?"
Oh no he didn't just ask that.
"YOU??? You can do 200??? Wow. That's really good. I mean, I can do like 250 for like 4."
Great, that's awesome dude.
So I continue on and get close to being done when he proceeds to come up to me again to tell me that he knows what he's doing wrong. He's not taking his time and really working on the muscle.
"You know how some girls are like too big" he says as he puffs up his chest and tries to spread his arms and lats. "I don't like that... but you... you have good muscle and good tone and you have like the perfect body."
OOOOkkkk... now we are getting creepy.
As I leave the gym, I memorize a script in my head... exactly what I need to say to him next time he A) touches me B) approaches me in a creepy way or C) well, anything really.
It shall be known.
WEDNESDAY - Arms, calves and abs
DB Curls
3x6 with 3 second lowering
BB Curls
3x8, then 8 (rest 20), 4 (rest 10), 4
Hammer Curls
4x8 w/ 8 partials
Rope Pushdowns x10
Kickbacks (pronated) x10
4 supersets
Decline EZ bar extensions
Standing Calf Raises
3x15 w/ 15 second hold
superset with 30-50 dorsiflexion
Leg Raises x10
Decline Situps x10
3 supersets
First of all, I used a 3 second eccentric (lowering) on the curls, so I kept the reps lower.
Second, the biceps are just like every other muscle. They need some heavy work and some lighter work