Relentless Minnesota, despite some of the trials, had an awesome result in the end. A PR squat at 123, a PR deadlift at 123 and an all-time PR total of 1122! Now, I am moving on to Physique prep training and dieting. First show is Junior Nationals June 12 & 13. These 10 weeks will continue to focus on my weak points (shoulders, quads and some more separated hamstrings) as well as groove my raw bench work a bit. Amit Sapir is doing my diet and nutritional needs this year. Training details will be laid out as we go. If you have any questions regarding diet, training, programming, and more, just send me a question!
Bench day is moved up to Tuesday. Got 6 days of training on my plate now. Time to push hard. Under 8 weeks out. This week has been a struggle... mentally, emotionally, and dealing with the cravings of the diet. It sucks right about now.
Things have been busy as the end of the school year approaches. My daughter has been doing Girl on the Run, a program that teaches young girl issues and is a running program as well that prepares them for a 5k in May. She's also doing softball and games start in May too. Plus lots of end of the year plays, programs and events at the school. Keeping busy is good... not to mention clients and other work.
TUESDAY - Bench and Shoulders
Band Flies - 3x15
Bench (medium grip)
3x6 @ 155
NOTE: Groove felt decent. 155 felt heavier than it should've been. Gonna chalk that up to stress, lack of sleep, not optimal recovery and carbs being pulled of the diet. Plus added cardio too. Overall, not terrible as I can't expect my strength to be phenomenal as my weight drops and food decreases.
DB Press - slight incline
3x15 @ 35 w/ slight pause at the bottom
Band Flies - 2x15
Seated Side Laterals
Cage Press (no machine so did these instead)
Bentover rear laterals, band