Relentless Minnesota, despite some of the trials, had an awesome result in the end. A PR squat at 123, a PR deadlift at 123 and an all-time PR total of 1122! Now, I am moving on to Physique prep training and dieting. First show is Junior Nationals June 12 & 13. These 10 weeks will continue to focus on my weak points (shoulders, quads and some more separated hamstrings) as well as groove my raw bench work a bit. Amit Sapir is doing my diet and nutritional needs this year. Training details will be laid out as we go. If you have any questions regarding diet, training, programming, and more, just send me a question!
Got to the gym around lunch time, so my normal gym buddy George wasn't there. Thank goodness. Hit the back of the gym where the squat racks are and set up for my pin pulls. I kinda like being back where no one can bother me. Let's me just do my thing.
Came into the session a little stressed. Mind had a lot of things on it. When I feel that way, and anxious, and unable to fix problems immediately, I get stressed and it's difficult to focus. After working up heavy, I just got frustrated by some technical stuff and that put my head deeper off course. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and kinda hard on myself when it comes to stuff like that. Thankfully, I was able to come back and remember that this - training - is what I love to do and it's part of me.... and I should enjoy the process.
The technical stuff I know I need to fix will come... years of bad habits will take time. So just need to be patient.
Rack Deads
295x3 (felt like shit, so I stopped)
NOTE: Really worked on locking my lats in on the last sets of 135. Something I need to get engaged more in so my lower back doesn't. I tend to overextend on everything I do (squats, deads, RDL's... etc) so I know this is something I need to work on... being more "neutral" so to speak, at least not over extended.
Dead Stop Bentover Rows
Reverse Flyes on pec deck
Wide Pulldowns
Prone Incline Shrugs
Rope Straight Arm Pulldowns