I see that an old friend will be competing soon. The guy is crazy strong but doesn't always get to show it on the platform. He bombs more than he should. Actually, with raw lifting, it shocks me how anyone barring an injury, bombs.
This will not be some drawn out blog. Here's how you pick your opener, make sure it's a number you can double even if you have the flu. Also, keep in mind, during training you don't often follow your squat up with the bench and then the deadlift. So those numbers can even be a little lower.
Don't panic about opening light. Believe me, I get it. I'd see people opening way higher than I did and I knew I was stronger. It made me question my choices. However, I'd often see athletes struggle and even miss their first lift. That is a confidence wrecker.
If you open light you are going to blow that lift out of the water. First, that's going to give you a great deal of confidence. Second, you are going to impress the judges. Never underestimate the importance of that.
I have judged many meets and they are long ass days. When I see a lifter struggle with an opener, I tend to watch that lifter more closely than the lifter who blows theirs out of the water. As crappy as that may seem, judges are only human.
So remember, it's not where you open, it's where you finish that's important. Lift smart and SFW!