Good week. Short week. Deload week. Had some fun with a few things too. People have been asking me what my plans are... am I competing soon or what? My response has been a bit up in the air.
After the XPC Arnold, I needed some time to just train. No schedule, no stress of missing or making training days, no worries if things got hectic and no major dieting. When you're prepping for a meet or show, it's pretty important to make all your training sessions. Sure, things can always be adjusted, but for the most part, staying on schedule is pretty important. Tack on any dieting that needs to be done and it seems to add more time and stress.
So once I competed at the Arnold, I had some life things going on in which I just didn't want to commit to competing at the moment. I needed life to settle down a bit and figure out what was going to happen. And I'm so thankful I made that decision because things got messy. Now that things are semi-settled, I've seen a few small meets, or charity deadlift meets that might be fun to do this fall. Not sure and will consult with my coach. Wouldn't necessarily train for it, just do for some fun.
Long story longer, if anything, I would do some small powerlifting stuff. Right now a show doesn't seem doable, but I'm keeping my eye out. I actually like having more time between shows (last time I took 18 months before stepping on stage again). It gives me a chance to not only enjoy powerlifting, but also put on some size or bring up some weak areas.
Onto this week's deload FUN training:
August 7 - 12 training
A. Close grip Bench - 3x8 @ 135
B. Banded smith machine shoulder press - 4x10-12, drop set last set
C1. Laterals 4x12
C2. Face pulls 4x12
D1. Chain extensions 4x12
D2. Chain curls 4x12
Battling ropes and other shoulder finishers
A. Higher speed box squats 12x2, 1 min rest
B. Leg press 5x20
C. 1 Arm DB Rows 4x10 each
D. Step-downs 4x6 each (5 count eccentric)
E. Single leg RDL 3x8 each
F. Abs
A1. Pull-ups x5
A2. DB push press x5
Every minute on the minute for 12 min
B1. Laterals x12
B2. Face pulls x12
C1. Tris
C2. Curls
3-4 sets
D1. Ropes x30
D2. DB push-up row x6
4-5 sets