Recent comps:
March 4, 2017 XPC Arnold - Raw 132, (315/185/360, 3 PR's)
Nov 5, 2016 NPC Midwest Gladiator Chicago - Women's Physique
Sept 24, 2016 NPC Indianapolis Grand Prix - Women's Physique
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
Coach - Scott Paltos.
Read back at previous training logs to see what my off-season contained to prep for both PL and physique. #creatingamonster.
You could say this is the start of my "off-season" work. Body is feeling the effects of it, which just means I have to be diligent with recovering. I have to admit though, my appetite has been pretty crappy. Hungry, but no desire to eat, if that makes sense. Especially protein... I'm over it... chicken, beef, eggs, you name it. And since protein only comes in so many options, creativity is key.
Despite that, I've been able to maintain a steady bodyweight and leanness. Pretty much the 80/20 rule lately which I'm ok with. Just needed a mental break from having to hit certain meals and numbers. Going to take a few days to see where I'm at as I'm pretty certain I need to increase my intake a bit, which could be a reason why my recovery hasn't been great.
This week was also a bit rough with life stuff. I had some much needed talks with a few close people... a lot was put into perspective, tough love was given, and also some pretty sound advice from people I trust and respect. I can't tell you how important it is to surround yourself with people who are willing to tell you what you NEED to hear, not just what you WANT to hear. You know those training partners who ask for your help, but then when you constructively criticize, they get defensive. And the only reason they asked for your opinion in the first place is because they are just looking for what they WANT to hear.
Well, life isn't much different. It's so easy to be on the defensive, make excuses or turn your cheek when someone says something blunt. Or worse yet, fire back with all the things THEY need to hear. When you're unable to be open-minded and see their point of view... ESPECIALLY when it's someone who has nothing but your best interest at heart. True growth happens when you can hear those words and say, "Wow... that sucked... that hurt.... but that's exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for being honest and having the balls to say that to me." Because frankly, if that person doesn't say it, who will?
Onto training.... some fun stuff this week.
A. Bench press (work off training max)
2x8 @ 110
2x6 @ 130
2x3 @ 150
Slingshot, 150x amap (21)
B. Bent over rows 5x12
C1. Laterals 4x10 drop set last
C2. Bent over raises 4x15 drop set last
D1. Machine dips 4 sets drop set last
D2. Fat gripz curls 4 sets drop set last
E1. DB Arnold's light
E2. DB upright rows
A. Squats , "(spider" bar)
2x7 @ 205
2x5 @ 215
2x3 @ 225
B. Sumo block pulls 4x4 @ 275
C. Pulsed lunges 4x12ea light load
D1. Hamstring curls 3x8
D2. Leg extensions 3x12
D3. Stir pots 3x20
E1. Pull-ups 3x6-9
E2. Leg press 3x15 narrow
A. Close grip bench
B1. DB incline 5x10 @ 50's
B2. Chest supported rows 5x12
C1. Dips weighted 4x6 (worked up to 45#)
C2. Straight bar curls 4x10
D1. Laterals 4x12
D2. Shrugs 4x12
D3. DB Cuban press 4x12
E. banded pushdowns x100
A. SSB front squats 6x4 @185
B. Leg press wide/narrow 6x10
C1. Seated rows 4x15
C2. Pulsed Bulgarians 4x15 each
D1. Ball hamstring curls 4x12
D2. Pulldowns 4x10
E. leg extensions 2x40
F. Incline shrugs 2x30
At this point the main work was done. I coached a deadlift workshop Saturday morning, so I went in afterwards and got some light recovery and shoulder work in with the ropes.
Battle ropes x10on 30off each x2
Circles in/out
Gorillas high to low
Seated double
Small drummers double
Small drummers alternate
20min cardio