Recent comps:
March 4, 2017 XPC Arnold - Raw 132, (315/185/360, 3 PR's)
Nov 5, 2016 NPC Midwest Gladiator Chicago - Women's Physique
Sept 24, 2016 NPC Indianapolis Grand Prix - Women's Physique
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
Coach - Scott Paltos.
Read back at previous training logs to see what my off-season contained to prep for both PL and physique. #creatingamonster.
So far this "offseason" I've felt really really good. I should've known at some point that a rough day (or two... or week) would come. Monday's upper work felt great. Tuesday's deadlift session was off... just didn't feel comfortable at all and my heavier weights slowed down fast. Rightfully so as I don't really pull heavy very often... or really even pull a lot in the off season. Not really worried.
Thursdays speed bench again felt great. I decided to get some soft tissue work done that day too by a local person... really just meant to be some blood flow, break up a few adhesions and that's it. Came out with my pecs more sore than doing 100 sets of bench, my neck tender to touch and my hamstring feeling a tad better than it had been. Needless to say going into Friday's squat session wasn't great. My hammies were so loose I don't think my body knew how to respond in the hole. Haha. Up to 225 with the SSB felt decent then 250 I just couldn't get tight and things felt off. I hit a double instead of a triple, we cut out my downsets and adjusted the rest of the training as well.
Sometimes that's what needs to happen. It doesn't mean everything is lost. Scott and I went over a few things that could be a contributing factor to my recovery and some programming changes that I might need as well. My late afternoon and evenings meals are hit or miss due to work and kids activities. I've been riding high on training since the Arnold too. And even though some "lighter" sessions have been in there, we think it was time for a true deload.
In the past I would've been pretty upset by a "bad day"... but lately I've learned there's no need to dwell on it. That's what happens in training. What's done is done and you move onto the NEXT... the next training set, the next exercise, the next training session, the next meal... onto the Next. 🙂
A. Fat bar bench 4x8-8-6-6
B. Hanging band bell bench 4x12
C1. Seated Arnold's 4x12
C2. Laterals 4x20
D. Dips 3x6 (+45#)
E1. Machine chest press 1xfail + drop set
E2. Push-ups 1x fail + negatives
F. Banded pushdowns x200
To give you a taste of what was PLANNED vs what was actually done
A. Deadlifts
135x6@2 (half conv, half sumo)
185x4 (half conv, half sumo)
225x4 (half conv, half sumo)
255x4 (half conv, half sumo)
285x4 (half conv, half sumo)315x4 (half conv, half sumo)... ONLY DID 315x2 conv, then 315 for 4 singles off blocks
330x3, any stance SCRATCHED THIS SET
B. Power squat 5x15-15-10-10-10
C. Lat pulldowns 4x12
D. Seated face pulls 3x15
E. seated hamstring curls 3x12
F. Phys ball rev hypers 2x25
G. Abs 5mins
A. Speed bench 8x3 @110
B. Pull-ups weighted worked up to 45#x1, then bodyweight x18
C1. Hammer shoulder press 4x12-15-20-25
C2. Pullaparts 4x9, pause each
D1. Rolling tris 4x9
D2. Grenade rev curls 4x9
E. banded pushdowns x100
Another day that went awry. Adjusted some things. You can see my squat volume was meant to be much higher, but we just had to cut it. I believe part of it was the body/soft tissue work I had done.
A. SSB squats
250x3(only did 2)225x5205x7175x15B. DB stiffeys 4x9C. Pulsed lunges x100 ea
D. Chest supported rows 4x10
E. Supinated pulldowns 3x15
DID DB Stiff legs 3x15 HERE
F. Abs 3mins non stop
(A rare 5th day added, but needed some blood flow after yesterday)
4 rounds
Double arm rope x25
Plank 30secs
4 rounds
Shuffling alt arm rope x40 total
Side plank x15 secs ea
Pullaparts x100
Pushdowns x100
Lateral walks x100
Pulldowns x100
Curls x100
Upright rows x100