I was thinking that I might need to add some extra mass on my Yoke. I thought since I'm running those 5K's multiple times per week that I was catabolic and losing some size.
I got to look at these clandestine photos that were taken from a "Sniper" around the corner that now I think...Naaaaa I'm ok for now!
Today's Training:
The following super set exercises are done with a weight to challenge this rep scheme: 20,18,16,14,12
As the reps become less, the weight MUST go up.
Move quickly and without complaint
Although the session is simple it is taxing if you don't dilly dally. (I like using that word)
Lat Pulldown/Cable Tricep Push down w/ the rope attachment
Chest Supported Row/ Supine DB Tricep Extension
High to Low Cable Pulls/ one DB Behind the head Tricep Extension