So 2018 was rough- that seems like a theme for everyone on social media so I'll spare you my feelings and just give you the facts.
I tore my rotator cuff. No big deal- everything seems like it's attached and rehab is going swell. I'm getting stronger each week.
I also had some blood work done followed by a colonoscopy- the results of which were a swift kick to the gonads.
*My blood work determined that my liver has (potentially) been damaged. Not irreversible, but it means that my treatment options moving forward could be limited. The Humira that I've been taking once per week, which is actually a double dose instead of the prescribed every other week, has been known to do that.
*The silver lining is that Humira didn't put me into remission, so my 'ceiling' for feeling good is much higher. And I came back and totaled over 2000lbs feeling like garbage. So there's still hope.
*My colonoscopy showed a ton of inflammation, which was expected given the way I was feeling. I switched doctors because my previous doctor told me I was in remission, and I didn't feel like it. So I got a second opinion and I'm glad I did.
*With treatment of UC using biologics, I fall under the category of 'anti body maker.' You either do or you don't, and unfortunately my body is a drunk puncher, taking swings at everything. So my best shot at going into deep remission is dual therapy- biologic plus another immunosuppressant called Antimetabolite antineoplastic agent- it prevents your body from creating antibodies to the new drug by driving your immune system down. But I have to be cautious because that can affect the liver as well.
So I told you all of that to tell you this- I won't be doing any powerlifting for the next six months to a year. I'll train when I can- recovery may be an issue as it has been in the past. So this is my sabbatical from the sport. I have to put my health first since I need that for the remainder of my life, which will hopefully be longer than my potential powerlifting career.
This hurts. As much as I want to be mentally above my ego- lifting is part of my identity. I've been training hard for 18 years. I don't know how to just shut that shit off- reminiscent of Mike Tyson on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.
Out of respect for Dave and EliteFTS, once I had grasped the fact that I wouldn't be able to uphold my end of the contract this year for the team, as always he was kind enough to grant me a second life. So Dave, thank you.
To uphold the LIVE, LEARN, PASS ON, I'll be keeping a log that focuses around my training partners, my gym members, and my clients'progress. I'll do my best to explain what I'm doing with them, how I'm implenting it, and a recap of what worked, what didn't, and hopefully the 'why' behind it. To put it another way, I'll make my methodologies as derived from my time with Lou, Dave, Goggins, and Donnie as digestible as possible.
Beyond that, I hope to give a unique perspective on gym ownership and I'll even dive into the float business (sensory deprivation tanks) that I'm opening with my friend and mentor, Tim Davis.
I'll probably be grinding some gears here as I transition from athlete to coach on these logs, so please pick away at what you like or don't like. My email is on my IG if you would like to reach out to me, but if you're anti-the gram, then contact me at: