Several months ago I got a message on YouTube where someone pointed out that my training partner was beating me in training. They asked (poked fun at me actually) if it hurt to be Second Fiddle in my own gym at my own sport.
I guess what they didn't realize is that I knew that this day was coming after I had trained with Ilya for a couple weeks. I even told everyone "In 1 year he will beat me on every event" and guess what...he basically can right now.
So does it sting to get beaten at MY sport in MY gym? Yes...it does sting! But at times I have to remember that I'm in my 40's and he is in his 20's. I am 6'2" (well, I used to be anyway) and around 260 lbs and he is 6'5" and around 360 lbs (he was around 265 when we met last July!).
So I have to change the way that I think about things, in fact...it is a great opportunity for me. For starters, if I can just stay close to him on a few events or "within striking distance" then I'm going to go a long way! Heck, he is on the way UP and I'm on the way DOWN so if I can just follow him then I'll be changing directions!
And on top of all of that he is a super guy, a great friend, and he contributes more to The House of Biceps than anyone else has in decades. He shows up when I need him to spot me, he stays late, he researches and applies everything that he can find and he actually listens to what I have to say. If I can do the same things that he is doing and put my ego aside...who knows what I can achieve BECAUSE of him!