"Habit will be your champion. When you train the mind to think one way and one way only, when you refuse to allow it to think in another, that will produce great strength in battle."
- Stephen Pressfield, Gates of Fire
My name is Tony Montgomery, I am a husband, coach, athlete, and business owner. Order of importance is not necessary as I try to be extreme in all of them, that is my personality and that has driven me to where I am today with no regrets. If one starts to take away from the other it gets dropped because they should all be able to build into each other. I try to question all things in my life so that I can continue to grow and learn, once the mind stops working the body will surely follow quickly. I served in the United States Marine Corps for 4 years and I am in pursuit of my PhD in Exercise Science.
That is a brief summary of who I am, I don't want to bore you with more details but if you want a thorough idea of what I've done, who I've worked with/trained with and what I've been through please check out the Table Talk podcast I did.
The goal of this coaches’ log is to take you through my own training and the training and nutrition of the athletes I work with. The ins and outs of what it takes to be a year-round athlete, the importance of long-term planning and preparation, and a very holistic approach of treating the athlete as such and not just a one-dimensional lifter. I am working with All Time World Record Holders, top 3 powerlifters in their weight class, strongman trying to make it to World's Strongest Man and the Arnold, IFBB Pros who are dual athlete's and people trying to hit their first totals.
I tell you this not to brag about the people I work with but rather to give you an idea of the subject matter I will be discussing in the coming posts. I will also be detailing my training and preparation for the year. I am currently getting ready for a meet at the end of the year in the 242lbs weight class. My best total to date is 2006lbs in wraps, which was 782lbs Squat, 512lbs Bench, and a 711lbs Deadlift.
I will also take the time to present some of the newest research within the realm of strength training and nutrition performance. Break it down in a more practical way so that you can take away some ideas from the study that you can incorporate into your approach. Science is a great way to learn how to question things but the key is to not fall in love with studies, we want to extrapolate the key ideas while keeping in mind all studies are flawed.
What I want you to get out of this log is to question your current beliefs and to keep an open mind so that you can get the general concepts that can apply to you so you can take your training to the next level. The ability to look past the small minutiae and to grasp the global concepts will be the key to self-improvement. I also want you to get out of this log the answers to the questions you have so if there is a specific topic you have questions about please feel free to ask away and I can cover them in an upcoming log or article.