One would think that a gym run by me would be pristine, orderly, and perfectly working.
Once I leave for the day, who knows what carnage takes place.
Everything from plates laying on the floor inches from the weight trees, to used ammonia caps that can't seem to make it the trash.
I share my space with a well known and popular strength coach, and I know he's as O.C.D. as I am, so it has to be a small group of people that make use of our equipment when neither of us are there.
Every quarter, I get hair triggered and have to do something about the chaos. From re racking the weights in their proper sequence to vacuuming the MRSA and dust devils off the floor.
Today was that day.
It took five and half hours AND one burned out motor on a "Shopvac" to get today's job DONE.
We jested as to how long it will stay this way...
Some said a quarter (three months)
Some said a month
Some said a week
I give it until lunch!
Pop Your Heart Wed.
Prowler: 12x40
AirDyne: 5 mins steady
Concept II Row: same
Sprints: 10x40
Biceps: pick an exercise and do 100 consecutive reps
Ticep: same