I move the Wed "Pop Your Heart" day around. We've been away from it over the past few weeks in order to build a strong Strength Foundation, but as we focused on that aspect I noticed our "work capacity" slowly dissipating.
Most of the time, I like doing a Wed "Conditioning Day" but people got used to it and started to cherry-pick their workouts. That's why I'll just plant one on them. Today turned out to be a Wedensday and it was a good time to blow up some lungs!
Oh!!! For the record...Only two with the Prowler Flu today. True Hurl of Famers!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Prowler: 10x40 yards x 90 lbs
Concept II Row: 5 mins steady; 10x15/45
Sprints: 10x40 yards @75%