Recent comps:
March 4, 2017 XPC Arnold - Raw 132, (315/185/360, 3 PR's)
Nov 5, 2016 NPC Midwest Gladiator Chicago - Women's Physique
Sept 24, 2016 NPC Indianapolis Grand Prix - Women's Physique
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
Coach - Scott Paltos.
Read back at previous training logs to see what my off-season contained to prep for both PL and physique. #creatingamonster.
Took a few days off, rested and slept. Ha! Did some rolling and stretching and really just needed to mentally give myself a break. There's been a lot going on with "life" lately. And, as a classic over-thinker, over-analyzer, it can be paralyzing at times. Thankfully I've had the chance to speak to a couple close friends and mentors who basically gave me the best advice.... no no, they didn't tell me what to do, or make a decision for me. But they gave me the kick in the rear I needed.... "Be f***ing Bella Forza, man. Be that. Because that's what you are." "Stop paralyzing yourself with thinking. Every life decision you've figured it out, often times as you went, not beforehand."
And you know what... that's what mentors do. Mentors don't tell you what to do. They talk to you, they let you speak, they listen, they encourage, they slap you in the face... and through all that, you come to your own conclusions. They make sure you don't forget who you are. They make sure you continue to stand firm in that belief. Grateful for those people in my life.
So anyway.... after a few days off last week, I hit up my girl friend to do a swole workout with me. We both needed some iron therapy as well as friend therapy too. Here's what we did:
Friday Swole
A. Arnold seated shoulder press 5x9-12
B1. Seated laterals 4x20
B2. Underhand pullaparts 4x30
B3. Rope facepulls 4x12-15
(I remember saying to her after round 2.... "holy sh*t... are your shoulders like on fire?")
C. Machine dips 4x15-20 drop set last
D1. Tricep oh rope extensions 2x20 drop last
D2. Half ISO hold close grip push-ups 2x5x5sec hold
E. abs 5mins
Saturday I went in for some back work. Felt good to do some rack pulls but kept it light (worked up to 275). No need to go crazy with those. The rest felt great and holy crap... doing pullups at the end of all of that... my lats were like, hey, not cool.
A. Block pulls 5x4 @ 275
B. Lat pulldowns 5x12
C1. Rear pec decks 4x12
C2. Incline shrugs 4x20
D. Seated rows 3x12 drop set last
E. pull-ups 2xamap
F. Banded pullaparts x100
Now, I posted about me meet results from the Arnold, with a bunch of thank you's. And while I hate going to the expo, we (Janae, Hannah, Jess and myself) ventured over there for like 45 minutes. Within those 45 minutes I happened to run into some cool people.
Jesse Burdick is a long time friend of mine. I've known Jesse for... geez, like 13, 14 years? Something ridiculous like that. He was at the SlingShot booth and when he saw me, I literally picked me up off the ground. Only had a few minutes, but got to meet his lovely bridge Katie as well. He's one of the NICEST dudes you'll ever meet, genuinely caring and very smart. A trip out to Cali may be in the future, bud.
This woman, Jamie Pinder, is one of the first physique ladies I followed 4 years ago. I met her through working with Meadows and she's always been more than helpful when I needed some advice. Randomly she was standing near the stage as we were walking past and I'm glad we had a few minutes to catch up.
These two large individuals are two guys I worked with at Buffalo. Paul Childress, ancient powerlifter, and Ryan Groneman, massive human being. Haven't seen these guys in about 8 years. Small world when Paul's wife is a girl you distance coached years before they got married!! So great to finally meet her as well!
This is my weirdo friend Stephanie. She's quite the online personality but in person is like a hermit. She hates pics, but she loves me.
And one of my distance athletes/figure girls, Caroline. I've known Caroline for a few years through Buckeye Barbells, a program that Alycia Israel runs through Ohio State. I started working with her in January and I'm excited for the goals she has ahead.... BIG goals... and I can't wait to see what she can do!!