I just competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined. I will continue to work with Amit Sapir on my off-season dieting, gradually increasing food and working to put on some good muscle.
Read my show report HERE. After the show, I met Jennica Kidd at the restaurant and she immediately ordered me a chocolate creme brulee. Not sure why that was the first thing she ordered for me, but it was DELICIOUS. Kept my meal simple with a burger and fries. My daughter (who was there with me the whole day, lugging my suitcase around, taking pictures and helping with me hair) and I stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home. Shared a blizzard. 🙂
Sunday the day started off relatively on point. Took my kidlets out to breakfast and had an eggwhite omelet with fruit and pecans in it. I had one pancake and a piece of toast with it too... and a few bites of my daughter's french toast. Lunch and dinner were fairly normal and for dessert I had a big piece of Snickers cake and a huge serving of ice cream. Well, I guess it wasn't really a serving... it was probably more like 2 or 5 servings. haha. Monday, back on the wagon. Amit updated my diet with more food and more carbs. Told me to "train my ass off" to take full advantage of the rebound effect.
EAT AND TRAIN, he says. You got it, boss!!
This session, being 2 days after my show, was meant to just get some blood moving and get a little pump going. No hard contractions at all. Kept everything relatively light. Did legs and shoulders together so blood didn't pool all in lower body. Felt really good afterward.
Medium Stance Squats
95x8 115x8 135x15 135x15
Stiff Leg Deads
4x12 @ 135
Lying hamstring curls
Walking Lunges
2x30 total steps
Standing DB shoulder press
4x10 @ 30's
Seated Laterals to 4 different heights
(top of head, ear, shoulder, lower chest)
4x8 at each level @ 10's
DB Upright Row
3x15 @ 20's