* Disclaimer*
(Except for a tiny amount of actual research...this is mostly MY OPINION)
I figured out what the ALL year sports programming for youth is all about.
Last night was Easter Sunday and my son had practice for his "Elite Hockey Team".
I sat here wondering what the fuck? I get the commitment thing, and we as Selkow's do that...but c'mon EASTER?
So off to Stockton my wife and son went, inclement weather and all.
"We make our beds...now we must sleep in them"
That's when I did a bit of one sided research, and here's what I discovered;
The South Americans! Yep, the Great soccer or futbol players came to the United States and spoke well of year round training that was happening in Argentina, Peru, and other countries "south of the boarder". Well hell, how are you going to make enough money to live in the USA and your skill is the sport you play??? A HA! I know, I'll offer Spring, Summer, Fall AND Winter Soccer and the prep work that goes with it.
Now, I've just upped my income because EVERY Mom and Dad doesn't want their precious next Pele' NOT to have the same chance as Mr. and Mrs. Bagadonut's kid.
So then from soccer, we expand that idea to other seasonal sports.
We are a guilty family of BOTH hockey and lacrosse.
Since there's a clinic, or a camp or a Summer or Spring program we better get Hunter into them so he has a fighting chance against Mr. and Mrs. Bagodonut's little Johnny.
It's either that, or it's because we need to keep all the little Johnnies and Joanies BUSY with their "down time".
WHAT? Summer vacation without keeping them occupied with a supervised activity?
Yea, those "supervised" activities are usually run by the OLDER kids or Players of the programs while the Coaches are coaching THEM.
These kids don't give a shit whether or not YOUR rising Super Star is actually learning anything. It's a paycheck or scholarship requirement.
I watched a Lacrosse camp counselor last year give Hunter the WRONG coaching recommendations, when my son finally told the young man that "My Dad says, you can't out run a perfectly placed pass"
The counselor had nothing.
Keep them BUSY?
If I remember correctly, I played Basketball in my driveway against the finest of the NBA.
Lew Alcindor
Wilt Chamberlain
Walt Frazier
Earl Monroe
Willis Reed
Jerry West
I played football against Dick Butkus, Larry Brown, Mercury Morris, Larry Csonka for HOURS upon HOURS with or without my friends. WHAT? FRIENDS???
I also learned how to IMAGINE the games which might directly correlate to my ability today to think up NEW exercises and activities.
Hmmmm, imagine that? Having an imagination? Abstract and critical THOUGHT?
But lordy lordy lordy, If young Hunter isn't kept busy and he is watching video on his "device" for more than a day.
As I have asked, what if his future ISN'T Professional Sports? What IF he is the next Ansel Adams, or Steven Spielberg or WHAT IF he comes up with the NEXT SOCIAL MEDIA idea?
Yea...that would suck so bad driving a drop top Bentley to the shooting range.
This is his last season for the "EXTRA" sports clinics and off season "camps".
I say this as we are attempting to secure our passports so we can play (at 10 years of age) Team Canada in Lacrosse.
Fuck...what a nightmare THIS is turning out to be.
The hassle to get an updated Passport is currently NOT out weighing the benefits (as I see now) of playing an International team.
As I always say...Follow the MONEY!
Your kid doesn't need the extra work as much as those camp owners need YOUR dinero.
Today's Training
Super Legs: If you do a full range on each exercise then 1x25
If you do partial range or motion then do 3x25 of each exercise
Dynamic Squat: 10x2x46% vs. HEAVY bands
Dead Lift: 10x2x46% vs. Medium bands
I love Mike Boyle's summer training program for an elite 9yo hockey player.
It's based around playing baseball, riding a bike, and fishing if I remember correctly.