Back in the day...yep, that's what you say when you "USE TO". I had some serious "jets". I ran a lot faster than I was good looking. Well...... might better say, I could run down most and have enough left over to jump over their heads or rip the spine out of them.
Over the years I've lost a step or a dozen, but always have felt like I could still crank off a 4.5 forty yard sprint. The day my son out ran me doing sprints I needed to reevaluate my predator skills. I realized then that when the range of motion starts to go, so does the speed. The day the speed goes is the day you become less dangerous. Crap! How are you going to run down an Impala for a kill to feed yourself and your family? We are designed for the hunt and the kill.
Onward, and upward, getting strongER is more satisfying and I found a great excuse to NOT being able to be a technicolor blur anymore.
I have maintained that when you don't feel dangerous anymore is the day you lose significance.
I have added a ton of conditioning to my own and other's programming to stay DANGEROUS.
I don't write in this log very much about the SPRINT work that I do, because it's a lot like what is below. Warm up...RUN...stretch...eat. Not a lot of thought. Just GO!
Today as the sun was rising over the field that I use, my wife was watching me turn the corner and relax into the final 100 of our 200's.
She paid me a complement that came at the most opportune time, by saying to me, "You could never tell how old you are by watching you move. You move better than most people in their 20's and 30's". (I wonder...did she try to "Hit" on me???)
I will admit, I have felt smoother than I have been feeling as of recent, and the rhythm was there and the movement was fluid and I feel DANGEROUS AF!!!
Stay Predatorial my friends...Stay frosty.
Today's Training:
Easy 1 mile warm up
5x200 yard Sprints @75%