What a week but it's behind me and I am glad for that.
As of this weekend I am 6 and 8 weeks out from shows if I do both of them and that is still the plan. I really believe that even with this setback I will be ready. I have done this shit for a long time and I am still ahead of schedule provided next week goes the way it is supposed to go and I anticipate that it will. I kinda know what I'm doing.
I was emaciated after my body stabilized and the water came off - about 20 pounds of it came off so I was still holding some but not enough to be an issue and that will come off after I have a week of training under my belt next week. I anticipate that I actually might be even leaner than I think after I get a good look next week.
I am filling out and filling up on food over the weekend though it won't be like Skiploading in that I won't be pushing the food as hard. I will eat to fill out and be ready for next week but I am not forcing food this weekend. After this week I just don't want to feel like shit for a while.
The plan is the typical foods that I load with:
pancakes/waffles, burgers, sushi and cereal. As I start to fill out I will back off of the food. That could be as early as Saturday morning or as late as Sunday night. I just won't know until I get into the load this weekend.
I will not train or do cardio until Monday. I have rested and I will continue to rest through the weekend. I need to be as close to 100% as possible by Monday.
I am going to make some subtle changes with diet by adding in some carbs on Thursdays to off set my metabolism and hunger and then I want to try to do smaller Skiploads something like a meal Saturday night and a meal Sunday mornings or both meals on Sunday later in the day, etc.. It might just be due to feeling like crap from what happened this week but my thoughts are that I want to keep the food lower and not have to push so much food for the load.
After I get next week under my belt I leave for Michigan for a week as my mother-in-law has her surgery. I will be on track the entire time prepping for these shows and busting my ass, as usual.
I will be spending a lot of time with my family this weekend for Mother's Day and I hope you all have a great weekend, as well!