Graham flew in last week and made it very clear that he wanted to be a big part of me going from Suck to Success again in Strongman. Honestly, I can't thank him enough for his show of support and for being an all around great person.
If you are not familiar with who Graham is, Wikipedia is a decent place to start but they have not updated his records to show that he recently did a 214 Log Press at The Log Press Championships (471 lbs) but has done 220/484 in training, which gives him one of the biggest log presses of all time as well as the British Record (yes, beating Eddie Hall's record). But is he a "one trick pony"? Well, at Britian's Strongest Man 2018 he placed 2nd behind Eddie Hall and won the whole show in 2019.
He also began as a 105/231 guy that has packed on the muscle and weighed a nice svelt 159/350 at the 2019 Log Press Championships.
Coming over to train he mentioned that he needed to work on his bench just a little and just needed to get UNDER a squat bar in training on Friday so that his vacation wasn't a total loss. He also went way out of his way to give us as many pointers as possible on Log Press and other events so I decided to only edit out what HAD TO BE EDITED OUT and I left most all of the casual coaching and fun talk in there for those willing to listen and learn.
Enjoy guys! Give me a few days and I'll have our Deadlift session edited out too!