Many years ago I was working with a client that had a very low Pressing Work Capacity, high injury rate, a lot of pain when doing bench press, and no triceps! After beating my head against my concrete wall for several days I decided to sit down at watch some Simpsons and it was the episode where Bart was sent to a Remedial Classroom. They had decided that the class would learn at a slower rate than the other students and that was OK.
At The Magical Point in the episode, Bart stands up and says "Wait a minute. You mean we are behind the other students and our plan to catch up with them is to do less?"
At that moment it hit me! All of the best pressers that I know in Strongman could press anything. Barbell, axle, log, dbell, seated, standing, flat bench, incline, machine, you name it...and they could do it often! I've always known that the best deadlifters have insane work capacities but it never clicked that pressers needed this too!
But I can't have this lifter bench press and incline press every day, that would kill them! What I could do is have them do tons and tons of dumbbell pressing variations and their work capacity would quickly fly!
Next thing you know we had designed a 4 day per week program where they did some kind of dbell pressing every session and WHAM, their injury rate decreased, pain decreased, and their pressing went up!
Fast forward MANY MANY years and I'm sitting on my couch depressed because my pressing just tanked into the toilet, I'm having shoulder and pec pains, and my triceps are gone. Then it hit me like a truck... If I want to catch up I have to do more and do it INTELLIGENTLY!!!!
Day 1:
Pre Training: Flood Dbell Press, 4 sets of 20 reps, 30 seconds rest between
Post Training: Same
Day 2:
Post Training:
Flat Dbell Press: 3 sets of 20 reps, 30 seconds rest between sets
Low Incline Dbell Press: 2 sets of 20 reps, 1 minute rest between sets
Day 3:
Post Training:
Floor Dbell Press: 4 sets of 20 reps, 30 seconds rest between sets
And guess what...my press is rising (all of them), my pain levels are decreasing, and my Pressticles and Chesticles are growing like a weed!