Last night I woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
As I passed through the kitchen, I happened to look out through the side window.
I noticed a dude with a knife, sneaking through my next door neighbor's garden.Suddenly my neighbor came from nowhere and smacked him over the head with a shovel, killing him instantly. He then dug a grave and put the body in it and covered it.Shocked, I got back into bed. My wife said, "You're upset, what is it?""You'll never believe what I just saw," I said. "That SOB next door still has my shovel."Moral of the story? Put my stuff back!!!Today's Training:Dynamic Bench: 8x3x45% plus double choked mini bandsBench: Then work up to a heavy (not a PR) three reps and do that for two sets.Murph Chain Fly/Circles: CJ Murphy put out a video of these on his log. I did them and LOVED the heck out of them.2 sets of 5 circles out to in...then in to out...then fly as one repSeated Chain Lateral Raise: 3x20x one set of chainsCable Face Pulls: Hi to Low 3x20 Then Low to Hi; 3x20Bike Commute: 17 minutesRun: 5K