(In part 1, "Vision", I began the story of my talk with the Ohio State BarBELLES. Read it, as I brought to light how Chip and Joanna Gaines influenced my speech.)
As the Fixer Upper show continues and Joanna has already picked apart the homes flaws and helped us see her VISION for the future home, they move into Demo Day!
And so it begins. Tearing down walls, removing cabinets, reframing doors and replacing entire roofs. With Joanna's VISION, she guides Chip and the guys along with what needs to be done in order to make the right changes.
The PROCESS begins.
The show wouldn't be a real show if something didn't pop up along the way. Like when Chip calls Joanna and says, "We have a major problem. We found mold. It's going to cost $3000 to fix it." And Joanna is left changing her plans to keep within the budget.
Adapt. Adjust. And keep moving forward.
Have you ever watched a Fixer Upper show and just skipped to the end? (If you have, I'm pretty sure Yessica will fight you.)
NO!! You haven't. Why? Because the rehab, the remodel, the PROCESS is the best part of the show!! We watch everything change. We see the details coming together. Sometimes it's slow. Sometimes changes are necessary. But ultimately, it's the meat and potatoes of the show.
Too often with training, we know our VISION and we want it now. We are so eager to fast forward through the PROCESS to get to the end. Sometimes, it feels like we are deadlocked. Stuck. Lost. We want to fast forward to the goal, the VISION.
We don't stop to smell the roses so to speak.
So what does THE PROCESS involve and how do I know if I'm missing it?
The PROCESS is the details. It's the down sets, the accessory work and the rehab. It's calling an audible when you walk into the gym and know you need to make a change for the day. It's doing the exercises you hate because you know it will make you better. It's getting sleep. It's eating the right foods. It's making sure you're warmed up and ready for that day's training.
It's seeing the benefit and the JOY of each of those things. Because each tiny step gets you closer. Every bad day and good day in the gym is part of the process. You learn about what works and what doesn't. You gain knowledge from doing things right and wrong. LEARNING is the PROCESS.
For every wall that's torn down and bathroom that's remodeled on that show, they LEARN along they way. They encounter new challenges and take them head on to create something better in the end.
Don't miss the PROCESS.
Part 3 coming soon.